I have read many of the facts on this forum and have learned a lot but my head is now spinning and i need some help.. I have 3 collection accounts I know for sure are beyond the 7 year limit (and one of them shows an account opening date of a few years ago is this "reaging?") and are still showing on my credit report(s) and 6 accounts showing various negatives such as charge off etc that are also 2 years or more past the 7 year limit .. I do now understand the whole 7 year plus 180 day rule thanks to this forum but my question is where do i start to get these removed? do i "validate" or "dispute" with the collection agencies and same question for for neg items not listed as collections validate or dispute and with the creditor or with the credit reporting agency .. also is it unusual to have this many items not drop off? thanks so much this board is great just information overload i wish i had more time to read it all thank you in advance for your time
Dispute the account tradelines through the credit reporting agencies. No, your situation isn't atypical assuming debt purchasers have entered the fray.
thank you for the reply -- so my first action should be disputing the collection accounts with the credit reporting agencies since these are from accounts that became delinquent beyond the 7 year limit then if the agencies do not remove I seek "validation" from the actual collection agencies and then go back and use this to get the credit reporting agencies to remove the items correct? also am i correct in making removal of the collection accounts the priority for the purpose of improving my credit score (before attempting to get other neg items such as charged off accounts removed ) .. thanks again for the time and help
Yes, you're correct but, I would target all negatives at the same time. There is no reason not to unless the charge-off's are in statute and large enough to sue for.
Apex, I was looking over the services offered on your website and have a question. Disputes and validation are offered as two seperate services. To get negatives removed, both disputes and validation requests are required. Does this mean I would need to pay for both services if I want your company to clean up my reports? Thanks. NG
Those two services are encompassed in our full service package that we simply call "credit restoration." It is basically $500.00.