It's A Sad Day For Differing Views

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CARPROSRUS, Mar 15, 2006.


    CARPROSRUS New Member

    reprinted from a posting intended for

    What a sad day this is when people feel like they have the right to screen and censor various postings just because they don't parrot the "yes-men" and the moderator of one of this sites competing sites I have 20 years of experience as an automotive retailer, I have done every job in the store except turn wrenches, I have GM's stores that have sold in excess of 600 cars a month...been a managing part of the third largest auto group on the planet, led 20 group sessions on F and I and on all aspects of Special Finance, I have written articles that have been published countless times in industry magazines and newspapers and I currently own and operate along with my partner 4 retail outlets in a major metropolitan area and as soon as I disagreed with a couple of points the moderator took exception postings all of a sudden had to be "reviewed" before they could be posted. Was it because I called people names?, used profanity? or any other legitimate reason listed in this websites "terms and conditions" ?? No ... Was I lying or purposely spreading misinformation? No!. was I called a "cokehead" and a "used car salesman slime" "bird droppings" and been characterized by a cartoon with the moderator him selfâ??s caricature defecating on my head posted by the moderator himself? Sadly Yes! I don't believe that most of you will ever see this post because I don't think the moderator is the profile in courage and character that would want you to know that you are being spoon fed only the highly sanitized and self serving information (not all of which is any good) by some possibly well meaning people whose ego's and insecurities won't allow it. To the people who do and will see this post on one of the multitude of other industry boards then the website I am referring to is called CREDITBOARDS.COM Those of you who know me know that I am a very laid back live and let live type of person who doesn't take this type of step lightly but I refuse to sit idly by while a group of people who couldn't carry my coat in real life car biz sparring have chosen to go one on one with the great one (tongue in cheek) and I don't know how else to make my point to them that there is room for more than one good idea in this world and just because it may run at odds with your own ideas that doesn't make it bad or yours bad it just makes them different. And if any of you ever do take exception to anything that I say then I am hoping that you will not be as cowardly as these people have been; refusing to ever say exactly what part of my responses (get this) (financing car deals....a topic I have written a manual that alot of you use on. ) they don't agree with allowing for the free and open exchange of ideas ...which is what I was hoping to find but found these people instead ....for those of you who have attended any of my meetings at N.A.D.A. or anywhere else "I have found a room full of Goalies" and they are all hiding at CREDITBOARDS.COM and I invite you all to stop by there and voice your disgust with what once was a fair and honorable place to obtain good information but that in my opinion no longer is. El Rey! When you respond to this posting be sure to let them know where you saw it ,,
  2. F & I DIR.

    F & I DIR. New Member

    I here you there bro ...the guy who has held himself out as the guru is a real tool named "marvbear" he is the king of the one word answers and sits in there sucking up free leads for himself. when you call him on some of the imncoherent blatherings he makes he ejects you or requires that you get his approval to any posts you make ...makes you dream of the old "f and I guy" who was on top of his game. Marvbear (the tool) and his answers remind me of the movie "Bean" where he would say something incoherent and everyone would fall all over themselves talking about how brilliant he is ...the people who know the difference he boots so that all he has are the text book apple polishers of the world ....thanks for saying what so many of us have always known f and i Director
  3. F & I DIR.

    F & I DIR. New Member

    if you are who I think you are (the goalies thing is the giveaway) then man I love your stuff ...wish I could attend one of your training sessions ....
  4. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    It is interesting to note that Marvbear managed to join my site ( ) and get banished in one day.
  5. MarvBear

    MarvBear Member

    It is interesting to note that the first 3 posts within this thread all originate from the same IP address regardless of the Screen Name of the poster.

    Hello Everyone!

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