... just a game... This pretty much sums up how I feel about this 1.5 year adventure I've been on in trying to straighten out the ol' credit reports for DH and myself... especially with respect to the most recent volley with TU. Let's look at the most recent instant re-play: The visiting team today is TransUnion... Wench serves the ball, (personal information dispute, DH report) stating that the phone number is not correct as well as a previous address that I couldn't have made up if I tried... TU volleys in return... comes back with a mailed report that has completed the above deletions as requested (GO TU!), and manages to change his first name to a completely unrecognizable form (specifically an initial, and not even the right initial at that). I mean, this is just unreal. HOWEVER, this little exercise in what may appear to be futility has fueled my passion... My attitude has now CHANGED based on this latest round with TU. They apparently have no concept other than to report what their subscribers give them, so therefore, I must reply in kind. A new name? SURE! Let's get busy disputing and see how many "NOT MINE" disputes you can verify with that little gem in place. Thanks for making this so easy, TU. --Wenchcake Wench: 15; TU: LOVE
It's all a game... Wenchcake | 10 posts since Dec 2002 | 07.19.2004 @ 20:59 ... just a game... Yep now ya got it-it's nothin but a shell game.
A little update regarding the above post. I did 3 "NOT MINE" disputes through TU... Results are in today... ***DELETED*** ***DELETED*** ***DELETED*** TU for the hubbster is ---CLEAN--- !!! Again, TU, thanks for making this so easy! Wenchcake.... GAME, SET... MATCH!!!