Hi all, Cheers to all! Well, I closed yesterday and I am moving in today into in my own, my very own, house. I can't believe it!!!!!! Closing took about 45 minutes and was very relaxing. Both my loan officer and my buyer's agent said that I walked away with a GREAT deal, both in house price and in financing terms. My contribution toward closing ended up being $104, and after having paid $1000 in earnest money, they wrote me a check for $896. Thanks again to you all, for various ways of helping me with my credit and the home buying process!!!!!! I'm about to have internet disconnected, so see you in a couple of days!
Big congrats to you!!!!!!! Don't strain any muscles in the move. Let us know when the housewarming party is.
Hey Marci, I hardly ever come here anymore. Between working full time and going to school at night I don't even have time to think however just glancing in to see whats going on I came accross your post.. CONGRATS.. and thank you for the various help you have given me (directly and indirectly) Enjoy your new home
Congratulations Marci! I hope you enjoy your new home and all your new tax breaks that come along with it! )
Marci, Congratulations!!!! I'm sure you must have the cheesiest smile on your face logging on to CN from your OWN house!!!!
CONGRATS! Like someone else here said before, it's always nice to hear someone getting their "own" house.
Congratulations! How'd you get such a great deal on closing? Got your house for $104? Tell us how you did it. =)
Congratulations!! I'm a new poster, but have been reading for over a year, and feel like I know you and a lot of others here. I hope you enjoy having your own place. A lot of work, but well worth it!!