This is text form the new text from the proposed "Domestic Security Act 2003" or Patriot Act 2. CONFIDENTIALâ??NOT FOR DISTRiBUTION Draftâ??January 9, 2003 Section 126: Equal Access to Consumer Credit Reports. In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that law enforcement investigators need access to suspected terroristsâ?? banking information to determine their connections to terrorist organizations, including financial ties. The current version of 15 U.S.C. § 168 lb(a)(l) allows investigators to obtain a suspectâ??s credit reportâ??the first step in locating his banking recordsâ??only in response to a court order or a federal grand jury subpoena. As a result, law enforcement cannot obtain a suspectâ??s banking information without issuing multiple time-consuming subpoenas. In some cases, it can take a series of three subpoenasâ??first to the credit reporting agency, then to the suspectâ??s creditors, then to the suspectâ??s banksâ??and a period of nine to 12 weeks to learn where a suspected terrorist keeps his accounts. Perversely, the law makes it far easier for private entities to obtain an individualâ??s credit reports; under 15 U.S.C. * 168 lb(a)(3)(F), a private entity can obtainâ??usually within minutesâ??a credit report on anyone in the United States so long as it has a â??legitimate business needâ? for the information. This provision would enable the government to obtain credit reports on virtually the same terms that private entities may. Specifically, it would amend § 168 lb(a)(1) to allow law enforcement officers to obtain credit reports upon their certification that they will use the information only in connection with their duties to enforce federal law. This certification parallels the existing requirement that a private entity must have a â??legitimate business needâ? before obtaining a credit report. In addition, to avoid alerting terrorists that they are under investigation~ this provision would prohibit (absent court approval) disclosing to a consumer the fact that law enforcement has sought his credit report. 9
I can't believe there hasn't been more comments regarding this post. This is where the roots of all CRA's problems lay. I view this as an opurtunity to get some positive changes. The democrats will (or should) strongly oppose this. It will come down to negoiation as always. The goverment now want's to something, which means leverage. I would suggest allowing them to have rights to credit reports if in return they will strengthen the penalties on the CRA's and creditors for violations. Maybe 5,000 to 10,000 per violation. I would think it would not be asking to much to ask that the the information be correct in the reports since they are now looking to ARREST people based on reported information.
We are slowly losing our privacy. Ok, suppose I am a terrorist, do you think that I would leave a paper trail. That would be idiotic, I would do everything in cash and be damned with the consequences. The USA government gets more stupid as time goes by. It is no wonder that I kids are behind the world in education, if I our government is any indication, this is a fait accompli.
This whole situation has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with terrorists. Who does it really affect??? That's right!! the govt. knows exactly what they are doing. Why do Americans believe they are immune to the possibility of a tyrant or tyrants or an elite technocracy trying to control its citizens? Democracies don't prevent such things. The founding fathers just knew it was less likely to occur in a democracy. Why trade complete and utter dismissal of our constitutional rights and freedom for $5-10,000 for FCRA violations when most people will trade it for free? Why haven't more people responded?. . . because they are too absorbed in their own selfish problems and indulgences to realize what is really going on. I've been preaching/telling this board about the many "unpublished" laws that are quickly leading to an Orwellian state since i arrived on the board. Yet, most people don't take them seriously, because they are too selfishly lazy and scared to face the facts of what is happening to their country and/or don't want to believe that the "home of the free" is actually turning into a Orwellian technocracy much worse than Nazi Germany. Soon enough, people will look their inaction and apathy dead in the face and wonder where it all went wrong, but in the meantime, they will gratefully or unknowingly accept the removal of the basic rights that the founding fathers established this once great nation upon. . .
I agree with you and I support you %100. I was in the Navy, I was in Operation Restore Hope for Somalia. That mission was a modern day colonial exploitation of another society. Who said that democracy was so great, if what the USA is meta morphing into is any indication, I am moving to Cuba. Why Cuba, I would have no illusions that my government is for the people and by the people. I would know that a dictator rules and questioning the legitimacy of any action would end me up in prison. I hate being lied to. I hate the facade that the USA motivations are anything other than greed and selfishness of a few. If this country concentrated on it's citizens, by ensuring that no one went hungry, all had medical care and everyone had a safe,clean place to sleep at night, we would be so busy, we would not have the time to pull credit reports on suspected terrorists (that is just plain old asinine) The no child left behind is not working but we intend pull credit reports..I served and I would have died for this country, but this is ridiculous..Yes, robots, welcome to the beginning of big brother. Next action is to start burning books and crank up the camps..
I agree with you 100 percent. I would NEVER want to trade money for civil rights and privacy. But since most people are blind to the fact they are having their civil rights and right to privacy stripped from them under this current administration in the disguise of "terror protection", there doesn't seem to be much hope of changing this system through public outcry. If any one is interested in hearing another side to what this administration is trying to get away with, check this show out. 3:00 - 7:00 EST She can be obnoxious at times, be it's refreshing to here someone who still cares enough to question something when it's not right. After all, the right to speak up and question is why I live here in the first place.
Re: Re: It's only going to get worse... She appears to receive many death threats for refusing to follow blindly into the night. All of the sudden you are a communist and don't support your country if you you question the actions and motivations of your goverment. What the hell is going on here?!
Re: Re: Re: It's only going to get worse... here's another little "unpublished" fact re: the above statement
Re: Re: Re: It's only going to get worse... I would think it would not be asking to much to ask that the the information be correct in the reports since they are now looking to ARREST people based on reported information. cjgsav | ======================== We'll have to change from credit reports to Arrest Reports or ARREST WARRANTS they are now looking to ARREST people based on reported information. Welcome back into the age of debtors prison. The END ************************* LB 59