I began this whole process in August 2001. At that time my Eq was 630, my Ex was 681 and my TU was in the 600s (I didn't get a score until later) I was so naive that I thought simply paying my bills would give me the highest score. This site opened my eyes, and I began religiously following the tips I learned here. Today, all of my scores are over 800 and this morning Eq gave me this message under negative codes: Because your FICO score is exceptionally high, there are no actionable negative factors present with your score. Continue to manage your credit as your currently are doing to maintain your very high FICO score UN (freakin') BELIEVABLE. I am writing this message to encourage others. This system is something we can master if we have patience and stick with it. Thank you, thank you for all the advice I gleaned from this board. Knowledge is power! Calypso
Congratulations. What type of of stuff is on your report. In other words what does a 800 credit report look like? How many revolving? How many years is the oldest account... Blah blah. Thank you, Jonny
Holy CRAp...... that is AMAZING.... seriously... Can you spare a few FICO points for me.. 20-30 will do ,, LOL
Wow! That is outstanding! Isn't it amazing that just as you said, paying your bills on time isn't enough to give you great scores? Thankfully there's Creditnet where we can learn how the game is REALLY played. DemPooches
That's GREAT! If you would... please share what your report looks like. I've never seen a report with a score of 800+!
This is great!! Please tell us the info like how many open accounts, types and available balances. This is a gold mine! woooowoooow
First off-- Thanks for the congrats. This is the most generous group of people on the net. I'll be happy to share details with everyone in a few weeks when my life settles down. Right now I am busy applying for my mortgage refi! The amazing thing about my new reports is that they don't really look THAT different from the way they did when my scores were much lower. In the beginning I had a couple of 30 day derogs that I got removed with the goodwill letters posted by the gurus on this board. I had never imagined that creditors would respond to those! That helped, of course, but my scores still weren't as high as I wanted. I then set about getting rid of all the errors on my reports (and there were many!) There were duplicate accounts, accounts without credit limits, accounts showing open that were paid, accounts with incorrect limits and balances. It was a tedious pain straightening out all that stuff. I followed the advice from others here. I was polite but persistant and I dutifully sent off my green cards and waited for the results. The next step was aggressively paying down debt. It became my mission. Each month I knocked off another chunk. But what I didn't realize was that even my cards that I paid off in full each month were hurting me, because it looked like I owed money anyway. So that is when I started paying my bills BEFORE the end of the cycle. I only used cards that had easy online payments, so that my payments would credit quickly. Getting the balances down was the real "secret." I also used my rising scores to ask for credit line increases (but only if they wouldn't run a hard inquiry). That helped my ratios. Obviously, the paying down debt step was the hardest part of the process, but it definitely was the key to boosting my scores (the simulators inspired me). If you plan to apply for a big loan (new mortgage or refi) and want the absolute highest score, I would definitely start paying down debt in advance (6 to 12 months) and pay before the cycle closes. The last, huge jumps occured when I got my balances down from 6K to under 500 dollars. I'm so happy, not only because I know I will qualify for the lowest rate, but because I feel empowered. Creditnet worked!
That is QUITE a story!!! It is inspiration for me as well as others on CN. Congrats again on your score!!!!! UNLV34
Yeeesh... I though George was like the only person in this planet that could achieve an 800+ score... amazing.. BRAVO BRAVO... I am still proud of my 629eq and 639ex although I could live without my 569 TU(FAKO) score...
Congratulations. I'm gonna come out and say it: I am soooooo jealous of you. I am happy for you, but I am not going to tell you, or type it. ;-)