I've done it guys--THANK YOU

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calypso, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your success!! Yes, definitely go into detail when you have a chance!! I, too, have been paying balances before the cycle ends. I think it is hurting me though since the cc cos. aren't making money on me. My scores are steadily rising though. I would love to hear more about what you have done to increase your scores. Thanks for sharing your success.
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Wow, triple 800's. that's awesome!! when you refinance, with scores like that, they should pay YOU for your business!!
  3. Calypso

    Calypso Well-Known Member


    You made a great point about the CC companies not liking you as much when you pay them off in full each month before the cycle ends.

    I have noticed that while other people at work who are heavily in debt keep getting awesome offers (from Citi and ATT Universal, Chase & others) to increase their limits if they will Balance transfer at 0% to3.9% till paid in full, I stopped getting those.

    I guess I am now a "deadbeat" (LOL) in their eyes, since I am using their services without paying interest.

    This 800 point quest was inspired by 3 things -- 1) My desire to refi at the lowest rates in 30 years 2) my natural stubborness, to see if I could do it and 3) My curiousity on exactly how this scoring mystery works.

    I have to admit that after I get my refi I am not going to be quite so compulsive (This has been a ton of work!) I may go back to letting my statement cycle and then paying the balance each month. Other than qualifying for mortgages or auto loans, I doubt that there is much difference to the CC companies between a 740, a 760 or an 810. They might even like the 740 customer better.

    Over 800 might = unprofitable to them.

    The one part of my story that I left out was that right before I started checking my scores in August 2001, I closed all of my retail accounts but two. (I had 6 or 7) That was before I heard the advice that you are not supposed to close a bunch of accounts at once) I assume that lowered my scores initially and took a while to recover. I also applied for (and received) 2 new Amex cards about 6 months ago. I think the scoring model actually liked it, since my scores went up. But I fought tooth and nail (and used Doc's trick once) to get erroneous inquiries off of my reports.

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