I've fallen & can't get up!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hotsauce, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    I have been on the credit repair journey for about 5 months and I know it is probably not enough time yet to really see results. I have had 3 accounts and 3 hard inquiries deleted from my husbands report but it seems now that I'm stuck. There are still 7 more negative items and these have been verified by the cra. I will start on mine after I finish his. So now I find myself feeling very depressed and unmotivated. Please share with me some motivational experiences!! Is it really and truly possible to clean up a very bad credit report????
  2. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    If they've been verified by the CRA's, it's time to switch tracks and go after the CA's reporting the accounts. If these are small collections, try and settle for deletion, or send validation letters. If they are unpaid collections/chargeoffs for large amounts, be very careful.

  3. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    These accounts are actually being reported by the OCs, not the CAs. I take it this means these accounts have only been assigned and not sold to the CAs.
  4. martig4

    martig4 Well-Known Member

    It IS possible to clean up a very bad credit report. Verifying with the CRA's is only the first step. There are many different approaches to take to have items deleted or updated.

    You can also dispute multiple times with the CRA.

    I wouldn't wait to clean up one report to start on another. Do both at the same time.

    How recent are your collections/negative accounts. Older accounts are much easier to remove than are more current ones.

    You can do it... many here have. Don't give up. When you get stuck, post here for help or suggestions.
  5. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I know...it's so easy to just get so tired of it all! But I take a look at my reports 6 months ago and remotivate myself.

    I have cleaned up Experian so much that I only have two derogs. Same with Equifax. Transunion is the hardest, because they had the most. But I believe that things will work out there to.

    I think a good idea would be to post the following information about your accounts and that way we can help you better:

    What kind of account (collection, medical collection, OC, Credit cards, etc...)
    How old the account is
    What your state you live in (for SOL puposes)
  6. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    hotsauce - (Love your name, love your title for your thread)
    One year ago, we had NO credit . We could not get anyone to finance a piece of bubblegum for us. Our credit S-T-U-N-K. My hubby's place of employment had gone belly-up, I was (and still am) an injured worker fighting the system, and had (and still do) a kid in college. TODAY - we have more than enough credit, a new car, and are starting our own business. The only down-side is that every year when I did my kid's financial aid for school she would be entitled to
    Un-subsidided loans, cause her parents didn't qualify. But guess what? This year we did. Yoo Woo! At least SHE was better off a year ago! But I would'nt trade it for anything. This board has made me and hubby much happier than we had been. We no longer feel like losers who go to work every day and have nothing to show for it. If you don't give up, and keep trying, you will succeed. We had every item that could possibly be on a credit report (except bankruptcy) an dhave had them all removed. OPur reports are now clean. Hang in there, and IT WILL HAPPEN!
  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    wow Anna, you motivated me too! do you have any secrets to share? I just finished my reports, and am moving on to hubbys. He has some stubborn student loans, and collections. I'm just starting the validation process, but have given up on the SL's.
  8. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement. My husband and I so badly want a house and that enough should be motivation for me, but at times it is so difficult to stay focused when I have so much else on my mind(father-in-law deathly ill, mother is also very ill) but I know that with the help of all of you I can do it!

    rblues, here is the information on the neg. accounts

    Assoc/Citi, opened 12/94, account closed be credit grantor(I still have a balance on this card but it has been closed by them)
    1x 30 days late

    Fingerhut, opened 01/00(i don't think this is correct) balance-$421,
    previous payment history: 1x 60 days late, 3x 90 + days late
    DOLA-4/01(don't think this is correct )
    Charged off account

    First North American Nat'l Bk: opened 05/00; DOLA 06/01;
    bal. $1295
    previous payment history: 2x 30 days late, 1x 60 days late, 3x 90+days late

    First USA: opened 9/97; DOLA 12/00, Bal. $2813
    (this account was in default when First USA bought all Wachovia accounts)

    GNB/Bealls: opened 4/99; DOLA 6/00; bal. $329;
    previous payment history: 2x 30 days late, 1x 60 days late, 4x 90+ days late

    JC Penney/Monogram: opened 6/96; DOLA 9/00; bal. $469(on TU bal. is $369)
    previous payment history: 3x 30 days late; 2x 60 days late; 3x 90+ days late
    Charged off account

    Wachovia Bank Card: opened 9/97; DOLA 12/00; bal. $0
    previous payment history: 2x 30 days late, 1x 60 days late, 3x 90+ days late
    Account transferred or sold
    Charged off account

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