I've had it! I can't take it!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Please tell me I am not the only one who cries over this credit SH!T!!!! I FINALLY had hubbys TU report looking fairly decent and then a repo that was taken off back in July/August was put back on AND reaged!!!!!!! Technically he isn't responsible for the laon (lemon law, unauthorized car dealer, etc.) it was being collected on by ASSet Acct., Gulf State, and the original creditor National Auto Credit. I had all 3 accounts removed from all 3 bureaus.
    Well I pull hubbys TU report this morning and there is National Auto Credit in the amount of $9K date 7/97 (it was repo'd 6/95) so regardless it was due to fall off in June off this year. I'm 90% sure I have an old report, if not I at least have on where NAC is NOT showing.(I'm at work)
    What do I do? I am ready to call TU and raise holy hell (but they aren't open). I know I should CRRR everything but SOMEONE needs to hear my anger.
    I can't take this anymore!! I want to buy a house within the year and I'm afraid we will get everything clear and SOMETHING will reappear!
    BTW they removed his Citibank AU.
  2. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Hi KHM:

    Your right, just pull out an old report and show the CRA. I think you're just a little stressed. Just relax a little bit. You'll get your dream home this year. I know it's enough to make you want to scream. We're all here with you.

  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would fax them a threatening letter with the old credit report. Maybe an intent to sue letter because you have them on a violation. Then make them delete with the promise to never re-report and get the other accounts off too.

    I know your anger, I'm dealing with a TU affiliate that sucks and ASSet acceptance who doesn't care about the law or to follow it.

    Just calm down, these things take time and they want us to get angry and quit. Don't get mad - make them do their jobs.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Sue them and make them pay:
    This BS has got to stop.
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok I'm REALLY scared now, I just called my moron TU affiliate and they said it is NOT reporting on their report and she will send me an updated report today. However it IS on worthknowing, and worthknowing is ALWAYS right for me and hubby. So what do I do? This Tu affiliate is so stupid, they didn't even realize they are affiliated with worthknowing.
    So I called the PA office and they can't touch the report, cause they don't own his report. AMAZING!
    I told TU if we try to buy a house and get denied I will see every last one of them in court!
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Oh damn!!! I just realized that worthknowing reports the original creditors name and not the CA's name. ARGH!!!!

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