I've never done this lawsuit thing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Who said that's changed?
  2. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Quixote, as you head off to court just remember you have the support of 100's of creditnetter's who are all wishing you well! I wish you luck... don't worry about the Trojan Horse just go get-em!

    Good Luck!

    Tuit :)
  3. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Here here!!!

    You'll do a great job Quixote.

    All of DemPooches are behind you!

    (Watch out for cold noses....)
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    No Greg, I don't speak for everyone, but, I'm sure most of the members here agree with me. If you think otherwise, why don't you start a new thread and ask?

    And yes, you do have a right to freedom of speech. Legally you have that right. Morally or ethically, you don't. But it's obvious you have no morals.

    You demand people answer your questions, but again, you answer those asked of you with another question.
  5. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality


    You go get that damned windmill! Win, lose, or draw -- you are my hero!
  6. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    I want all of you on my legal team someday if it comes to something like this. :)
  7. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Then what's all the hullabaloo about "stabbing"? If it won't affect the outcome, what's the problem? What's wrong with a healthy discussion (with an invitation to everybody)?
    A thread about me isn't within the scope of the message board.

    Which book of morals and ethics do you take your rules from? I haven't seen that one.

    Please, be specific about the questions I haven't answered. I'm happy to answer them.
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    I take my morals and ethics from the book that says interferring with judicial proceedings by a non party to the action is wrong. As was stated earlier, you should have waited til the case was over to contact that person.
  9. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    We'd better tell the New York Times to lay off all those cases, then.

    What's the name of that book?
  10. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Well I can now tell you definitively that Greg's meddling was a non-issue. Never came up.

    (Warning: most of the quotes below are paraphrased.)

    It started out very badly. The Commissioner calls us and asks us to go through the double doors and try to work it out with the mediator. The mediator announces that he knows nothing about this section of law, but he hopes to "bring us together" or some such. And, he is a former CCCS Board Member. Ugghh. He asks what happened, we go through it, both essentially sticking to the facts. Then when he asks Macy's why they pulled my credit, and she says it's because he was challenging the old paid off account and we had to see what it said, he says, "Well that sounds reasonable". I said, "But what about the law? Here it is in black and white. They had no Legitimate Business Purpose." He says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, how were they supposed to see it without pulling your credit?" I said, "Well they could have asked me to fax it to them." It goes round and round like this for another ten minutes or so, with the mediator clearly leaning Macy's direction. Finally, he suggests that he seperate us and talk to us individually. He asks me what I'd take to drop it. I said, "The deletes, a letter of apology acknowledging that they broke the law, and $1000." He sends me out for a few minutes, brings her in for a few minutes, then calls me back in. She says she can give me the deletes and the letter of apology, but no cash. Zero. I said, "Well, it has never really been about the money for me, but, Macy's broke the law. There should be some penalty." I said," I'll take the deletes, the letter of apology, and a check for $500 made out to the American Red Cross."" No way says Macy's. No money. No How." I said,"Well, I guess we're done here".

    Out to the courtroom we go. After just a few minutes, our case is called. The Commissioner asks me what the story is. I gave her the Reader's Digest version. She interrupts me and says, "You're citations are form the Federal FCRA. Since I have a cop of the California Consumers Credit Act here on the bench, I'll be using that for reference. Section 1785.11 is almost word for word identical to the Federal FCRA, except that its' requirements are more stringent, and penalties more severe." Thigs are looking up at this point. She then turns to Macy's and says, "So what was your legitimate business purpose?" Macy's was taken a little bit off guard and gave Her Honor a chronological synopsis dating back to early 2001. Very little attention or weight was given by the judge to the fact that I had been disputing the old tradeline. She asked us both several times, "Was there an active account at the time? Was there any outstanding balance on the old account or any other account at that time?" Those questions were music to my ears. The Commissioner understands the law. Hallelujah! So, we're wrapping up, and I asked if Her Honor would like for reference as she deliberates, to have copies of the FTC Opinion Letters, as well as the FCRA, which are all liberally hi-lited and have tab markers with Text (Permissible Purpose, Duties of Furnisher, etc.) on them, with all the important pages pulled to the front. She says yes, that will save her from having to look up those very things. Heh, Heh, Heh.

    And there it ends for now. They said we should know something in two weeks. I may not get the deletes or the letter of apology, but I'll bet they'll wish they had sent $500 to the ARC.
  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    wooooooooooo hoooooooooo, Quixote!

    That's a productive day and with a judge playing by the rules too.

    I'm betting it's a done deal for you.

  12. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    great to hear, wonder if the judge will come down hard on them?
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Congrats Quix,

    Sounds like a victory.

  14. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Good work. Glad the distraction was a non issue.

    BTW, PROVE IT!! {G}
  15. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Thanks for sharing your battle with us all, though some people do not agree, and chose to be disagreeable about it. I have learned a great deal from your struggle. I hope that the outcome is very favorable for you.
  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Way to go!! I'd be willing to bet it is a done deal. In fact, I bet you get everything you asked for, despite outside interference. Kudos!!
  17. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Thanks for the warm wishes everybody!

    What a feeling of relief to have it over. A huge weight off of my shoulders to have it all over. Win, lose, or draw, I'm done with damage repair, though as GEORGE says, the credit improvement process will no doubt be never ending.

    I thought of a few other details that were revealing at the time to me. In the mediation, with Mr. CCCS, the mediator, he asked me several times, "so come on, really, where's you're damages? How have you really been harmed by this?" I said, "I don't have to show damages. That they broke the law is enough to invoke the penalties. If I was caught speeding, came to court, and said to the judge, 'But Your Honor, can this officer show me how anybody was really harmed by my speeding?', I would be handed my head by the judge." He was sorta buying it, but not really.

    When we get into the court, the Commissioner reads the compaint and says (paraphrasing), "Let's see, six infractions of the FCRA and asking for penalties of $5000, is that right?" I said yes and that was the end of it. Never asked about how it damaged me. It was about infractions and penalties.

    It gives me hope.
  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    Yes it was. To top it all off, I get home and my daughter (in sixth grade) has come home with straight A's. Again. Not to brag, OK, maybe a little, but she's never had a B. And she's beautiful.

    That's a great day.

    PS No Greg; I'm not going to fax you her report card. Or her picture.
  19. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    aHAHAHahahahahahah!!! ROFLMBAO!!!!


    Good going Quixote! I can't wait to hear how the judge ruled. Congratulations and good luck!
  20. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtual/Reality

    WTG Quixote!!! Maybe this will teach them our credit files are not their playground. ;) They totally disregard the law because they think they are above it, and using their own weapons against them (the courts and the law) is the way to do it.
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