I've never done this lawsuit thing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the tips everybody. Here's my first draft. I decided to take a different tack; not only is this an offer to settle before trial, but it is yet another threat to sue; ie move this out of Small Claims and into Superior Court if we fail to settle. Whaddaya think?

    To Whom It May Concern:

    By now you have already learned that I have filed a small claims suit in Riverside County Superior Court in Temecula California. Service has been sent to the registered agent for service, CT Corporation System, for Macy's West/ FDSB, and delivery has been confirmed.

    I want it noted right up front that this all could easily have been avoided.

    On January 24th, 2002, Macyâ??s West/ FDSB illegally placed a â??hardâ? inquiry on my Experian credit report (Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Section 604- No Permissible Purpose as I had not applied for credit with Macyâ??s West/ FDSB nor did I have any business relationship with Macyâ??s West/ FDSB). I sent a dispute through Experian. It came back as â??Verified by Macyâ??s West/ FDSBâ? (Violation of the FCRA, Section 623 (a)(1)(B) and Section 623(a)(2) (Duty to Correct)). On two separate occasions, I notified Macyâ??s West/ FDSB via Certified Letter that this entry on my Experian report was in error and should be corrected immediately. Macyâ??s failed both to correct the entry (again violating Sections 623 (a)(1)(B) and 623(a)(2) (Duty to Correct) as well as Section 623 (b)(1)(A)- Duty to provide Notice of Dispute to CRA). Macyâ??s West/FDSB was again notified, both via telephone as well as a written Intent To Sue Letter, again delivered via Certified mail, that the status quo was unacceptable, and again Macyâ??s West/ FDSB failed to meet the requirements of Sections 623 (a)(1)(B) and 623(a)(2) (Duty to Correct) as well as Section 623 (b)(1)(A)- Duty to provide Notice of Dispute to CRA). This can and will all be easily confirmed to the judgeâ??s satisfaction through ample e-mail records, certified return receipt letters, written responses from Macyâ??s West/FDSB and Experian. The paper trail is clear. At the full $1000 per violation allowed by the FCRA, the total number of violations goes well over the $5000 limit imposed by the Small Claims Court here in Riverside County, and so I have filed for the $5000 maximum. As you are aware, the court date is already set. It is October 4th, 2002 at 1:30 pm. Long before then, I expect that we will either come to some sort of terms, or I will file the necessary papers to move this action out of Small Claims Court and into Superior Court, where the $5000 limit does not apply. Additionally, I will then be free to invoke California Civil Code Sections 1785.30- 1785.35 (multiple instances). The California Civil Code allows for up to $5000 per violation, and so, the stakes could get much higher.

    Early on, I would have happily settled for simply correcting the record. However, in light of the roughshod way that Macyâ??s West/ FDSB has insisted on trampling my rights, I will no longer consider that a suitable response. If, however, Macyâ??s West/ FDSB does the following three things, I will dismiss my Small Claims lawsuit and cease all legal actions related to Macyâ??s West/ FDSB and all itsâ?? affiliates:
    1) Issue a check in my name for $2500 as compensation for my time and trouble in this matter.
    2) Delete the Inquiry of January 24th, 2002 from my Experian Credit Report
    3) Delete any negative references from my credit reports, including the tradeline that is listed on my TransUnion credit report.
    I will await your response to see if this can be handled outside of the courtroom. Otherwise, expect to hear from an attorney well versed in the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Consumer Law.



    Cc: David Szwak, Esq.
  2. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    I LIKE this idea. Not only does it give them the opportunity to get of of the lawsuit gracefully, but it should put you in an excellent position with the court - "Your honor, I made EVERY amicable attempt I could to settle this outside of the courtroom, but ............". An attorney (now judge) friend of mine once told me that you should always give the opposition a way out without them losing face.


    I'm scheduled for court in Van Nuys in October, so I will be watching this thread very closely.

    I just got confirmation of proof of service in the mail today. It should be interesting to see what happens.

    I may follow your lead and give them an opportunity to settle amicably as well.

    Good Luck!
  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thought I'd subject the above draft letter to the scrutiny of the P-Nut Gallery one last time before it gets sent out later today. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    - - - -
    Why do you need a useless suggestion?

    LB 59
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Why indeed.
  6. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    good luck.
  7. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thanks jrjr35. I sent that out yesterday, so we'll see. I'll post the minute I hear something.

    BTW, my short response to lb59 was directed at his useless response, not at anyone else's response or lack of response. I value the suggestions I get here highly. I put them to work. It's how I got all but one of the negatives off my CR's, and who knows?--maybe we'll get that last one here.

    For the most part, I've resisted the notion of putting other posters on Ignore (except Bkev), but I'm inching closer to putting lb59 on Ignore. There's two kinds of threads around here, three really, I guess. There's serious issues threads, horsing around threads, and some that mix the two. All have value-- All work and no play makes CreditNet a dull place. Lb59 contributes nothing to any of them.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Assett Management
    2*Financial services
    4*Stock Market
    5*Business Owner-Housing Company.
    Until and unless this or any other person can show this kind of experience and background I would take the kind of comments made about me in the following put down about me with a large grain of salt.

    Obviously those remarks are merely an opinion rather than a statement of fact.
    Obvious also with this much time and experience one would definitely know what they are talking about and the experience and insight is far from useless.
    LB 59
    Thanks jrjr35. I sent that out yesterday, so we'll see. I'll post the minute I hear something.

    BTW, my short response to lb59 was directed at his useless response, not at anyone else's response or lack of response. I value the suggestions I get here highly. I put them to work. It's how I got all but one of the negatives off my CR's, and who knows?--maybe we'll get that last one here.

    For the most part, I've resisted the notion of putting other posters on Ignore (except Bkev), but I'm inching closer to putting lb59 on Ignore. There's two kinds of threads around here, three really, I guess. There's serious issues threads, horsing around threads, and some that mix the two. All have value-- All work and no play makes CreditNet a dull place. Lb59 contributes nothing to any of them.


  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I like it Quix,

    Fire Away!

  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Quixote, have you spoken with David Szwak, and if so, will he handle cases like yours?
  11. Niner849

    Niner849 Well-Known Member

    I too wish you luck. I'm getting ready to dispute some inquires myself, so I too will be watching this thread very closely. All I have to do is get a cartidge for the printer, and I will be typing up a couple of letters. Please keep us updated.

  12. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    I just sent off two letters with intent to sue or provide proof to Bof A and Wells Fargo. Both are playing games with me as they did put a hard on my file with no PP. I am waiting to see if they send the $500 check requested from my letters.

    I had to send three letters before just putting my foot down and telling them to get with it or pay of course they wanted all kinds of info from me. BTW, this is funny BofA stated in one of their letters "We tried to pull another report to further investigate this, but the CRA would not grant us another copy". Please forward us a photo copy of your report. (Thought you all may find this funny)

    Also, Discover put two hards on my files just admitted over the phone that they made a mistake someone else with the same name different state and address applied and will take it off and faxed me a letter right away stating the facts. Should I consider that victory or go after them for two hards? What would you do? BTW, when calling the CRA asking to fax the letter from Discover and do a dispute on the inquery they said sorry, can't do that. The company has to contact us.
  13. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    No, I have simply inferred from reading a number of postings here and at creditwrench that this is right up his alley, or maybe the alley of one of his colleagues at www.naca.net . So I simply listed him him and another naca member who is based just a few miles from me (whose expertise is FCRA stuff) in the cc section. If I get the desired response, I won't carry it any further. If I don't, then I will in fact be forwarding everything to the two attorneys named in the cc's for legal advice. I'm guessing that the Macy's folks will have heard of him and the other attorney, and, if not, can quickly find out about them through a web search. Hopefully, this increases the level of urgency. I also think with the $5000 per violation limit that California has, there may be room to shake them up. I hope I don't find out though. But, who really knows?
  14. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    Quixote - Your in S CAL, I'm in the N. Orange area who are you thinking of for the Attorney? I spoke with David S. via email yesterday and he referred me to another Attorney who I have not been able to contact yet. Let me know.
  15. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    His name is Louis G. Bruno. He's in Escondido . If you go to www.naca.net and then Search Members, you can find an FCRA expert in your area. There was one in Santa Ana and another in Long Beach.
  16. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I will check it out. If you end up using that guy let me know how it works out. Thanks again!
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    I like it :) a win-win for both of you, I hope they bite.

    What about putting FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY at the top of the letter as LizardKing recommends?

    I'm thinking he said the reason was the statement prevents the information from being used against you if settlement negotiations fall apart and you end up in court.

  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Wish I'd though of that yesterday. ;)

  19. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Wish I had thought of it yesterday as well.

  20. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    What prompted them to make the inquiry (illegal or otherwise)? A late payment?

    If it was supposed to be for account review, and they made it a hard inquiry instead, then it may be systemic and there are certainly other consumers injured (credit scores lowered).

    See "The Inquiry Inquiry" in the 8/11 updates at creditscoring.com .
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