I've never done this lawsuit thing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Thanks! If that's your last offer, I'll take it. I won't tell anyone either. :eek:)
  2. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    All true. But, really, so what if they read everything? I've already sent them everything. What are they gonna do; burn me at the stake?

    Whatever else they can do, they can't eat me.
  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Don't worry, Greg. if everyone else ignores you, i will respond to your posts and continue to tell you what other people are now figuring out.

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    I was asking if he really sent it but now it's just too late.

    No matter what, at this point, expect to hear something like, "oh I was just kidding".

    Talk about catch 22.

  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation


    They could have very well been reading along the whole time, LOL, I've read the infamous thread ;-)who knows, that's not my problem.

    My problem isn't with them reading along, it is with Greg taking it upon himself and forcing it along, KNOWING you had both a settlement and court date pending.

    And after 3 pages of discussion with his demanding and demanding again that you provide evidence in the form of your letters and correspondence; you answering every post, instead of ignoring him, trying and trying again to tell him why you couldn't or didn't feel comfortable doing so.

    He, without so much as a decent, Quixote I think you should forward along a link to this thread, decided for himself without any consideration for you.

  6. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: The Invitation

    OK. Do I get my money back if they do?

    Your first sentence makes no sense, whatsoever. Lacking any type of logical response, you tied two completely unrelated (sending and email vs. demanding documents)(and one didn't even happen; I made no demand-- read the thread before you comment) events together.

    You might as well be saying, "If tomorrow is Sunday, then the moon is made of green cheese."

    There is nothing wrong with me. What is wrong with you? And, what are you notorious for?
    Then he should have not given the company's or the person's name. This is a message board that can be seen by anyone with an Internet connection, anywhere in the world, you know. So, the real question is: Does what you do here make a difference? Or is it just aimless venting?
    Yes. Now those are the kid of questions I like. Just the facts, if you please. No ranting. No illogical premises. No nonsensical moralizing.
    Yee-haw, Sassy.

    I'll limit this to a few of quotes of you (scroll up):

    "liar, liar (Dugan)"

    "You are now asserting that we had no right to obtain a credit report, based on your reading of the FTCâ??s Greenblatt letter." (are you talking into thin air?)

    "Dear Ellen,

    "You are being pompous and are spewing what can only be your unresearched and flawed personal opinion based on economic gain, greed, and financial security in the form of a paycheck and workload and not the law... "

    "Here's the rest, got wild with Ellen!!!"

    "Please put a p.s. for me, BTW Ellen, Sassy doesn't like your pompous tone and bets her right arm that you'll lose this case based on your arrogance and failure to stop looking at yourself in the mirror long enough to do some real work."

    "Sassy has blonde children and loves blonde jokes, but really, if you happen to be blonde you are taking blondeness to a whole new level! Heck, you are taking professional women to a whole new dimension! If you aren't blonde, head to the hair dye section next time you are at walmart; Sassy will donate the peroxide!"

    "Shit fire, Ellen -- you are dense!!!!!!! Did you read the sections of the FCRA I referenced, quoted and Sassy even color-coded?"

    "(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ellen, 2 pages again, I'm holding you personally responsible!)

    "Follow along now, Ellen, this is the important part that you aren't getting your brain around:... "

    "Uh huh, I know it's difficult to follow but it is a plain language statute!"

    Get out of the sun.

    I don't see any documentation. Please show it to me, or stop making statements like that.

    You're not making any sense, either-- unless you think Quixote has something of which to be ashamed. Has he lied? While splitting hairs over whether he set them up, saying that the sheer violation is the only thing that matters, he wants to talk about the case in public and pretend that that doesn't matter either. That's nonsense.

    You want court? You got court-- right here in front of the entire world. What could be better justice than that?

    Please, describe the dire consequences that are to come because I sent the terrible email.
    Forget those questions. I see I'm estranged.
    There's no need for vulgarity.

    I don't see your point about your rights. In fact, you have no point in this context-- except that I'm a big meany, or something.

    You didn't request any form of confidentiality, either. Indeed, you put the entire ordeal (or, at best, your paraphrase of it) on the Web. This message board is very consistent. It may remain here for decades. What is your point?

    This isn't a street gang, it's a group of independent thinkers. Say I'm a representative of Macy's. Say I'm a consumer with independent thoughts. Say I'm the King of England. When did my right to comment end? When did my right to talk to anybody I wish end?

    But, I'm really trying to find the downside to all this. What's going to happen, now: You get your settlement?

    Or was that all just you being a nutcase again? How do we know when you're not nuts?

    I'll call Ms. Dugan tomorrow.
  7. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    See guys, Greg doesn't get it, never will!

    Greg, in responding to any of my post here, please make some innane comment about my log-in name. like you always do, so everyone can see how "focused" you are on the "facts"

  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Where's the catch 22?

    You've been to his websites and have read his manner of making things public?

    You've read the previous threads saying this is what he thought should have been more important to Quixote than winning the case itself? making it public?

    Greg usually doesn't play with words in his threads and has taken a lot of shots for his communication style.

    I've never noticed him to be kidding.

    Hmmmm, his intent was for us to believe with certainty that he did forward the thread.

    However, I will practice what I have preached and give him the benefit of communicating with words only, and sometimes that leads to misunderstandings without the body language and speech inflections that go along with it.

    I'll wait for you to step up to the plate, Greg.

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Why don't you butt out and let his case be decided by them. You are going to call her why? What exactly is your agenda Greg? What are you trying to accomplish?
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Uh What happened? My brain decided not to work earlier.....I thought Greg was emailing on behalf of Quixote, don't ask why I thought that.....I need a nap.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

  12. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    why would you call ms dugan? do you have business with her as well?

    wouldnt that be some form of slander? or are you just calling to tell her things she already knows? just seems like some sort of malicious intent is showing.
  13. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    CONFIRMED estranged!

  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    Nothing short of an act of traitorous treachery.

    Why don't you just take a trip to Bagdad and call the President a liar.

    All the intricacies of Quix's argument are now in the hands of the enemy. Allows her time to formulate a strategy to argue aginst these points.

    The eliment of surprise is gone. That's the downside. Beyond your ability to comprehend?

    Quix will still win his case even though you've purposely attempted to undermine his chances for your own personal gain.

    No we're not a street gang but I suspect you're fixin to find out what a horrible thing you just did.

  15. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    nup KHM,

    He didn't have the decency to ask Quixote. He just emailed a note along to her, with a link, asking her to comment.


    They could have very well been reading along the whole time, LOL, I've read the infamous thread ;-)who knows, that's not my problem.

    My problem isn't with them reading along, it is with Greg taking it upon himself and forcing it along, KNOWING you had both a settlement and court date pending.

    And after 3 pages of discussion with his demanding and demanding again that you provide evidence in the form of your letters and correspondence; you answering every post, instead of ignoring him, trying and trying again to tell him why you couldn't or didn't feel comfortable doing so.

    He, without so much as a decent, Quixote I think you should forward along a link to this thread, decided for himself without any consideration for you.

  16. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    The Invitation

    G. Fisher | 743 posts since Apr 2001 | 10.02.2002 @ 16:33

    Ellen R. Dugan, operating vice president and assistant general counsel
    Federated Department Stores
    7 West Seventh Street
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Your correspondence with a consumer regarding credit file inquiries can be found on a message board at http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...5720#post245720 .

    Please respond to the group members' comments.

    My thanks to ... @fds.com for forwarding this to you.

    Greg Fisher
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation


  18. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: The Invitation

    1. I'm flattered you think I'm so influential. I don't butt out because this is an interactive message board. I'm interacting. The virtual becomes reality sort of thing.

    2. Truth. Justice.

    3. Accuracy.

    4. Get real. You'll be back.
    Would you people please stop doing that?

    No, it (assuming you mean that I'm merely talking about this case) is not slander. Please review this page: http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=slander . Return and give us a full report.

    You're not going to ask how long I've been beating my dog/wife/grandmother next, are you?

    Have a little decency.
    Your demagoguery is goofy. See Godwin's Law (http://www.godwinslaw.com/).

    Quixote has said, repeatedly, all that matters is that they did the alleged dirty deed. Was he wrong? Which is it: Could I (or anything), actually, influence the outcome of the case given that the "facts" are so solid? If he's still going to win, what's the big deal? What would be the better pretense for the victory: The innocent little lamb/plaintiff (not reality), or the "nutcase" gamer?

    This humblemarc (you two should have lunch) person makes a big deal about some elusive quality of goodness that he thinks I lack. But the subject of this thread tried to create a false history about himself through trickery-- and I don't see Joe Humble making any hifalutin comments about that. You two should get together. It is amazing to me the tiny thread of illegality that is the subject of this discussion. There are far more important issues to tackle. This is only demonstrates the lengths to which a person desperate for action will go.

    Failing to mention that minor detail until I dragged it out of him, he continues to delude himself in the mere notion of his claim.

    "The element of surprise." This is not Matlock, so please come back to earth. This is more like Judge Judy.

    "Horrible thing." You are way too dramatic; tone it down. Words like that cheapen the credibility of the discussion group. It is hard to take you seriously, Festus.
  19. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    ah yes, let's discuss the "facts." Never once have i discussed the term "goodness" in any of my threads. I have discussed "kindness," "compassion" and "caring about other people" Things i sensed you lacked from reading all of your posts. Again, these things are the only "facts" and "truths" that last forever. All other "facts" change with time and perspective. "Legality/illegality", these, too, also change from one day to the next, in reality.
    Once again, your self-serving self-important ego has led you to act irrationally, to do something that, in fact, is against your best interest of procurring "facts", uncovering justice, accuracy, etc., etc.,. I doubt anyone on this board will be willing to share their cases with you, documents or not. (That's if you are still allowed on the board) No longer will you be able to promote your sites on this board, because either no one will see them or trust you. Again, ego and selfishness, will continue to be your downfall and source of frustation, until you learn otherwise.

    "Joe Humble"
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: The Invitation

    That's why you don't, and never will get it Greg. The ramifications of your act reach FAR beyond Quix's case.

    What about all the people in the future who will have Macy's problems?

    Now that Ellen knows about the board don't you think she will turn all her other friends (collection atty's, and collectors in general) on to the site too? Who know's who they work for. Maybe a creditor YOU will have trouble with some day.

    How far could this "proliferate" huh? Do you know? Cmon genius, tell us it's no big deal.

    What about all the others on the board who will be too afraid now to post anything about their situation for fear of clowns like you busting their strategy out to the enemy.

    Did you think of any of this stuff? Of course not.

    YOU have undermined this board. As far as I'm concerned you're worse than a Troll. Your acct. should be terminated.
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