I've screwed up, royally...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mzradie, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. mzradie

    mzradie New Member

    Well all I can say is I wish had found this site before I went and disputed every thing as "not mine" online...I am desperate to get my credit fixed and unfortunately I followed some bad advice. Is there anything I can do at this point? From what I've read I have now left the door open for old creditors to verify the debt I owe. Do I have any ground to stand on at this point? Thank you in advance for your responses...
  2. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    How long ago did you dispute these? How many did you dispute and how many do you have? Also did you do it through the mail, phone or online?
  3. mzradie

    mzradie New Member

    thanks for responding!
    I disputed a week ago, 11 out of 24 negative tradelines on the equifax report..the disputes were done online.
  4. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    I would wait until you get your results back in a few weeks and then proceed at a slower pace. If you dispute too many at a time, they may flag the rest of your disputes as frivolous and trying to do credit repair. I would wait a few months then do a written dispute of 2 max then wait a few months and so on. We won't really know anything until they respond, so just keep on reading so you can plan out your next moves. And remember to post your results!
  5. mzradie

    mzradie New Member

    thanks for responding! I will take it slow from here on out.
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have you moved recently, or is your current address different from the addresses reported by the accounts you are disputing?
  7. 02flstang

    02flstang Well-Known Member

    I moved back in may..but all of my current accounts are updated with the correct info. it's just the old negs that do not have updated info on me I'm assuming

    so yes, the negatives do not have the correct address info
  8. mzradie

    mzradie New Member

    Actually, I have moved and the address is different on the accounts being disputed...it's almost been a month and I've only had one account verified. Maybe this is a good sign?

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