Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nancy Klin, Jan 11, 2001.

  1. Nancy Klin

    Nancy Klin Guest

    Hey. My story is just as weird. I went ahead and applied, even though I have NO credit. I was surpised when I was approved for a card. $500 limit. Hey, its a start right? Im sure even Herb and Doris started out here. Anyway, nearly 2 weeks went by, and no one called to verify. I just assumed the card would arrive anyday. Then about 2 1/2 weeks after application I got a phone call. Just asked the same weird questions, are you SURE you dont have anohter card. No I just have visa cheque cards, etc. She said ok we'll mail you. I asked my limit, she confirmed $500. Anyway a week later I got a denial letter sayinf the information does not much. I called to complain but they wouldnt work with me.
  2. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post, I thought it was just me or I did something wrong. Thats the way that rep made me fee.

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