I recently found this website about 2 weeks ago. Since then, I have been reading through previous post...and trying to plan a strategy. I am so overwhelmed with my credit report...my experian report is over 20 pages. Yikes... I need a car really bad..and have not been able to get one...with my credit....I have gotten ripped off with used lemons..so I really would like a car under warranty. I am a single mom that works from home doing customer service..since I have no transportation. I recently talked to a friend of mine..that actually lowered her husband's score..55 points by trying credit repair herself..so I am like a frozen deer..I have disputed some items on line...I just don't want to lower my score...but I got to do something about my car situation...HELP
first of all - take a breath! it is overwhelming at first, but it will make sense. ok - now, what is your score? what is the date of your last delinquency? do you have any outstanding collections or charge-offs? in Minnesota, there is a place called CarHop (don't know if it is National or not) where you can get a car with bad credit. My SIL did this with a horrible rate and a short term but after a year of high payments (and credit repair) she was able to refi with a credit union i know. FWIW - my credit report is 17 pages - 13 of which of soft inquiries from PG and MCK - LOL! I only have a total of about 15 TL's!
Thanks so much for responding Jenz. My Experian is 562 My Transunion is 558 My Equifax is 572 I recently had some medical bills added to my credit report. In the last couple of months...900 dollars and 558 dollars...I plan on setting up payments on those. The bulk of my reports are credit card accounts from when I was in college...Delinquent since 1999.... I have a lot of school loans...one car dealer told me I had too many open loans...Every time I got a loan they opened a different account... My goal is to buy a car by July...what is the fastest way to increase my score to 600...or even 620...maybe that is hoping for too much too soon
Can you afford to Pay for delete on the medical accounts? Often times, they will even settle for less in addition to deleting just make sure to do it in writing. Do you have any outstanding collections or chargeoffs? What are the balances if you do? Do you have any current positive tradelines? I think with diligence you could bring the scores up in time.
Before you pay anything--are these accounts with collection agencies? If they are, don't pay anything until you send a validation letter. Your validation letter should be simple. If they have sent you a letter, reply to it and just say that you don't recognize it, could they please send proof that it's yours and how they got the balance. If you just found it on your credit report, send them a letter and say you pulled your credit report and saw this, you don't recognize their name or what it's for. Again, ask for proof that it's yours and how they arrived at the amount.
Well, first of all I have a chapter 13 bankruptcy that was dismissed in 05/2001 I filed it and changed my mind about filing it. I never went to court on it, but it shows as dismissed, the next month after it was filed. I two Southwestern Bell Bills. One for over 800, and the other for over 200 that are listed about 4 times each. They are listed with different collection agencies. These items are showing that they were updated in 2003. I know that originally, it was probably sept 1998 ..when these phone bills were created. I have about 10 medical bills...500 and under..... Most are over 150 dollars.... A bill from UAT...A university...I owe the school...the loan is not in default....$1888..placed for collection in 2003 Providian....$829 placed for collection2/2003 This is just my TransUnion Report...I am waiting on an updated copy of Experian and Equifax.
Especially since you said some are listed multiple times. Only one agency will have the right to collect. The others will have to remove the information. What state are you in? Check your statute of limitations. These may be uncollectable, unless there is a judgment. When is the last time you made a payment? Is the school loan a federally subsidized loan?
I live in Alabama. I haven't made any payments on any of the medical bills. Some of the medical bills are fairly recent, so I was going to try and make some arrangements to pay them. I do have some federally subsidized school loans but they are deferred right now.
should you still ask for validation from a CA presently trying to collect even outside of the initial 30-day period? pros? cons? i need to take some kind of action soon. help?