
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ih8debt, May 2, 2005.

  1. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    I took your advice and searched the 120 day late threads and I read until my eyes crossed.

    I had some good info and made a plan...

    This morning, I called the OC and spoke to one hell of a woman. And I mean that in the best way possible...I told her that the current status on my EQ was showing as 120 days past due. I told her it was keeping me from getting a mortgage. I also told her that the TL on my other reports weren't reporting the current status as past due and wanted to know if she can help me....and boy o boy did he help me!

    She DELETED MY ONE AND ONLY BADDIE FROM ALL THREE CRA's (even tho EX wasn't showing it)
    OMG I LOVE HER! She said I would get a letter in the mail confiming in 7 to 10 days...

    talk about pure luck and good timing!
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    That is AWSOME! I am so happy to hear it was easy to fix!
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member



  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    And a box of chocolates!!
  5. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    LOL - you two are funny! I think I'll wait until I see the actual letter and CR before I give her a big fat kiss!!!

    BTW - notice my EX score jump??? Only one of my zero balances posted on my CR...and a 30 point jump?!?!?! I can't wait to see what happens when all my zero balances hit...
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    You might be surprised (unpleasantly). I remember reading somewhere that FICO doesn't like you to owe NOTHING. So if all your accounts have zero balance it may hurt more than help.

    If I were you, I'd show a balance but have under 10% utilization.

    Remember having a balance on your CR doesn't mean you're CARRYING a balance. It just means there was a balance when the account reported, which means you've used the account.

    If you do get them all to show as paid, let us know how it affects your score. My memory could be bad.
  7. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hedwig - I know I'm going to have to make charges to my accounts, I wanted to see what would happen if they were all zero, but it looks like I will never know LOL I just got two of my statements and I am carrying about 1% on one card because of that nasty daily finance charge left over from my last billing period and about 2% on my other card (I'm only using it for my toll road replenish account). The 3rd card with only a $300 CL is zero balance and I don't plan on using it at all.
    Today I also disputed my AGF loan that I paid off last month. They haven't reported it since Feb and it's still listed as open. I'm praying it does something positive to my score (it's listed as a car loan since I used my car as collateral).
    In any event, I'll let you know what happens to my score. I check TU today, and there were no updates to any of my accounts since early April.

    BUT THE BIG NEWS - - - I just got my mail and there was my letter from Amex....
    "We are please to advise you that we have requested the credit reporting agencies listed below to delete all information pertaining to this customer reference number from your credit report."

    YIKES! they REALLY did about GOOD WILL!
    I'm excited to see a boost in my TU and EQ scores once this last bad TL is GONE!! I feel the need to dance....LOL

    (eh - sorry this was so long I can't help but ramble on!)
  8. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the results from AMEX!!

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