Hi JLynn, I was reading all your posts relating to Foleys. I was wanting to know if you really did open an Installment account? I am using your advice and submitting similar letters to correct my account. I waited the 7 years for my account to fall off, but then they created another account (Installment) to extend it another 3 years. If the letters don't work, can you recommend the type of attorney to use in filing the lawsuit? Thanks for all your help, it is just nice not to feel like you are the only one dealing with these issues.
Hi, sorry, just saw this post. Yes - I really did have an installment account. We started with a revolving account, and at some point bought some furniture from them. They set this up as a separate purchase. It was all billed on one account number, one statement, but just two payments (one toward the revolving, and the installment payment). It still reports to this day as a positive on my cr's. Same account number, just one begins with an I, and the other an R This drama all took place before the FCRA was amended to mention disputes directly with the furnisher. Be sure and use the buzz words "FACTA dispute" somewhere in your letter.