I will try and keep this short. My current hubby is divorced. They had a joint CC. he paid her his half of it before the divorce began (meaning this is NOT listed on the decree, she told him it was paid off, but then ran it up again). She stopped paying it 6 months ago and he just found out. He has been making the min payments to them to keep it from charging off while trying to find out whats up. She DOES admits the debt is her portion (yes, I know he is liable since it's a joint acct) OK, here's where things go weird. She JUST told him she hired a credit repair agency to get out of these debts and clean her credit up. She is mad he is making pmts because this has apparently caused some complications with this acct. How do we know they won't absolve her name and dump it solely onto him? It is a joint account... for them to do what ever they do, wouldn't they need his info too? These places scare me... are we doing the right thing? She basically wants us to just stop paying & talking to them (told him to send a cese & disist) and allow it to charge off. What can anyone tell me about these places?