www.experts-exchange.com This site is 99% unemployed 'techies' (best buy clerks). BUT, the programming sections are userful, expecially the Java/VB/Web scripting sections. SDBoy
JSP = Java Server Pages i.e. written in Java. Do a web search for any Java tutorial or java-centric website to learn about classes, objects, methods blah blah blah.
JSP is what all of the experain dispute pages are written in. Any way to change the commands around where it automatically deletes everything in 30 days?
Thanks for the info. I was just curious about telling those servers were to stick those old neg files. I didn't want to have neg. accounts taking up a pos. account's space.
Generally, a properly designed web application isn't easily fooled. You are talking about trying to pass along the right parameters to their scripts so that they can be fooled into removing the entries? Not that easy. I don't pretend to know what their application scope is but i seriously doubt that they'll lump their record keeping on a consumer website that includes account maintenance (updating records, entries etc) Every page performs a specific set of functions, you can't see their code in the first place, it gets returned as HTML. If the page (regardless of scripting) uses parameters passed along in the URL, it's usually very basic and simple, something like the Equifax Creditwatch code for $25. Feel free to go poke around URLs and forms, maybe you can find something.
Thanks flush. I was just dreaming yesterday of how wonderful it could be. I happen to view the source on the one of the pages and got anxious.