I see a lot of people writing about obnoxious judges. Maybe you can find a similar agency in your state. They are often called something like Commission on Judicial Performance google search http://www.google.com/search?q=commission on judicial performance In CA you can file here for an actual judge: http://cjp.ca.gov/ State of California Commission on Judicial Performance 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400 San Francisco, CA 94102 Tel: (415) 557-1200 Fax: (415) 557-1266 If it's a commissioner, pro-tem etc, call the court eg. superior, municipal and ask for name the 'presiding judge'. Address the complaint to him. Complaints should describe in detail what the judge did that you believe is misconduct. For example, a complaint should not simply state conclusions such as "the judge was rude" or "the judge was biased." Instead, the complaint should fully describe what the judge did and said. If a court document or an audio or video tape evidences the misconduct, you may submit a copy or mention it in your complaint. It is helpful if the following information is provided on the complaint form: The name and telephone number of any witness to the events described. The date or dates on which the conduct occurred. The type of court case involved and your relationship to the case. Some examples of judicial misconduct are improper demeanor, failure to disqualify when the law requires, receipt of information about a case outside the presence of a party, abuse of contempt or sanctions, and failure to be impartial. A chart [ Types of conduct resulting in discipline ], lists all of the types of conduct disciplined in 2004.