Judgement and credit HELP!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ardvark, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. ardvark

    ardvark New Member

    I have 2 satisfied judgements on my CR. One is from medical bills that were paid after I won an arbitration. I won 2 weeks after my wages were garnished. How do I get new credit or fix my fico at all? I only have 5 payments left on my car and I have no other debt. My ficos are 566, 599, and 572. Can I do anything before my credit goes stale?
  2. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    I take it that your auto loan is reporting to the CRAs? That will help if they are.

    As to the judgments, you can write the circuit court judge and ask him/her for a "motion to set aside". It does happen more than you think.

    As for the stale credit, like I said, your auto loan should help. Also, here are a few other ideas:

    1. Secured credit card (this way you don't need to worry about an inquiry and decline)

    2. Talk to your bank/credit union and see if they have a credit rebuilding program. At mine, you can take out a loan that is placed in a frozen account. Then you make payments on it while it grows with interest. Once I've paid it off, I have a great TL plus a savings account.

    3. Take a "loan" to purchase a CD and then use the CD as collateral against the loan. IOW, they keep it if you default and it's already in their possession.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    One is from medical bills that were paid after I won an arbitration.
    Need the details of what happened here in order to make any suggestions
  4. ardvark

    ardvark New Member

    The Details are in 2000 I was hit by a car. I had a surgery that went unpaid by my insurance(car). After several months of non-payment my lawyer filed a PIP arbitration to have the bills paid. The doctor threatened to put me into collection and My lawyer sent a letter to my Dr. asking him to wait until my PIP arbitration settled. Well he filed a judgement against me anyway and my wages were garnished(Quick version_ I was put into collection my lawyer advised me not to pay...yada yada yada)) @ weeks after my wages were done being garnished I won the PIP arbitration and the bills were paid. But the money that was garnished was not paid back to me and I was told that once the Judgement was paid there was nothing I could do. I live in NJ and NO ONE would help me. I called everywhere. So now a year later I cant get any credit because I have this one and another from Providian Visa. I settled the providian one in court and paid half of the money. I supposedly owed them. My auto loan is almost done and I need to rebuild but don't know how. I refuse to get an Orchard Bank card or any of the like. Thanks
  5. gingernyc

    gingernyc Active Member

    Sheryl, explain more about this "motion to set aside". Is there a Circuit Court judge in each county? What if it's a tax lien, would this apply also?
  6. gingernyc

    gingernyc Active Member

    Sheryl, explain more about this "motion to set aside". Is there a Circuit Court judge in each county? What if it's a tax lien, would this apply also?

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