Judgement but OC is paid

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jonesing, Sep 9, 2002.

  1. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Need help with a judgement matter.

    A while back a friend ran into trouble paying his credit card
    bills. This was in college. He wound up using a service like
    CCCS or Debt Free etc to help with bill payments. One of the
    accounts was from Boscov's dept store.

    When he started with the payment plan service, he owed $300 to
    Boscov's. He dutifuly paid the $10 or $15/month which went
    directly to the store. For some reason, during the payment
    plan, Boscov's sent the account to a CA/lawyer. The CCCS
    people wound up sending a total of $300 to Boscov's. The
    CA/lawyer using an address that was neither his in college
    nor either of his parents' addresses filed and got a judgement
    against him for $315 in superior court. That was filed 09/1998.

    The problem is that he was approved for a mortgage last month.
    His bank is making him pay all old balances on listed on his
    credit report as part of the settlement. Boscov's showed a
    balance of $30 and they gave him a bank check to pay that off.
    I'm assuming the extra $30 is interest or something. (He called
    after making the payment and his balance is $0.13) However,
    they said nothing about the judgement. Well he called me this
    mornging to tell me that he got a letter from the CA/lawyer
    saying that they have this judgement from 1998 and that if he
    doesn't pay them, they can subpeona him for an asset search.

    Is there anything he can do? My thought is that he has no
    "proof" that he paid off Boscov's since he doesn't have his
    records from the CCCS place. So the only documentation that's
    available says that he still owes $315 to this law firm for
    the judgement. Is he going to have to pay twice to
    make this all go away?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    call the cccs place and get copies of the documentation from them! threaten to sue their a$$ if they don't facx a letter to the atty and whoever else about this matter since it is affecting his ability to get a mortage!

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