my chase cc debt went from jdb to mann bracken to in-state attorneys. The in state attorneys said that 3 cards went to judgement last week. I had not been afraid, but now the thought of no bank account as it can be frozen, wages garnished ect is starting to bother me. I callled today and agreed by phone to pay the inflated amount (went from 10,000.00 to 12,000.00) in mo payments of 500.00 for 24 months. I will have extreme difficulty in doing this, as already paying citi's in-state attorneys a mo fee. I had hoped to settle for less, but only have monthly payments. Can I negotiate with that, or if I have windfall in future? Please advise. Should I just let them judge me?
You could probably fight this in open court and possibly win. This is a JDB were talking about here. Their evidence as to ownership is usually inadmissible.
I thought in-state attorney's might also be called jdb too. Are you saying if I let them bring it on, in court I may win. Have you seen that happen in the case of in-state attys? I had imagined the Judge might side with them. I had heard a good time to negotiate may be at courthouse before court. I just agreed by phone to this somewhat inflated amt and mo fee for 24 mos, as cant afford a bank freeze, as need it open when husband travels so he can send money. I'm to start a new job end of next month, hate the idea of them seeing a wage garnishment. I have been self employed last few years, so thought they couldn't get me, but now need something steady. I want to get it paid. I also have a child in college. But now, husband says how can I pay 800.00 a month, and basically have no other money to pay bills. So I a: let judgment come and to hope to win. I have no lawyer. I'll also have no bank acct, half my wages gone, and husband about had it with this stress. b: Agree with them on their too high of payments, and default in a few months when I cant pay it. And hope to arrive at payments I can afford.