1. i need to know if a paid judgement or a unpaid will hurt you credit score......??? 2. if you pay the judgement, who do you pay it too and will they file it with the courts as satified.....?? 3. how can you get a collection account off your report when it keep coming back as your and its not ..do you settle it with them..??
1. Yes, both will hurt. Avoid judgments at all costs. 2. Pay it to the plaintiff via its attorneys. They may file a satisafction in court or they may not, depending on your state's procedures. You may wish to. None may be necessary. 3. If it is truly not yours, then you can go through the process of disputing with the CRAs and estblishing that it isn't yours. Then when they reinsert w/o notifying you threaten to sue them. If necessary, actually sue them. Good luck.
Yes, they definitely count, they pull your score down probably by several 10s of points. They do with mine! I have a question related to this: I have a satisfied judgment on file that was filed in 1997. It's marked as satisfied in 1998. Does anyone know of a way I can speed up the process and perhaps have them remove it now instead of waiting for the 7 years to pass?
There are a few way to try your luck in removing judgments: The easiest of those is to challenge the judgment as "not mine" with the CB's... I've heard odds of removal are better if the address w/appears on the judgment is different from your current/present address ... Thus the judgment address must not appear anywhere w/in your cr files... only your current address should be there. I personally haven't tried this as of yet ... I currently have a co from the same company whom later gave me the Judgment ... I'm guessing both these related trade lines will only prove to the CB's that the judgment is indeed mine(?) Also... Use the search option here @ CNET ... There is a lot of good info on judgments & civil claims ... so much in fact ... you aren't going to get a whole lot of replies to your question unless you know a bit more about the procedures ... (It's common knowledge here @ CNET that you do some "search" work on your own before posting a lot of general questions.) Hope this helps!
What you really need to know and understand is that the judgment is most likely null and void upon it's face to start with. A void judgment is one that has one or more defects or errors which deprived the court of it's jurisdiction in the case and means that it has no force or effect and never did have. In otherwords, you may have been led to believe that you have a judgment against you when in legal fact that may or may not be the case. It is something you owe to yourself to look into. The way to do that is to go to the court house and get a copy of all the paperwork in the case and then you can either look up my postings on void judgments here on creditnet and elsewhere and you may very well be able to see for yourself whether or not the judgment is in fact valid or not. If you cannot determine what the facts in the case really are that way I would be happy to look the judgment over for you and see what I might be able to tell you about it. I'm in the process of preparing a blog on that right now so that folks will be able to refer to it and pretty well figure out for themselves what may or may not be wrong with most judgments. A step by step tutorial in otherwords. What it basically boils down to is that there are at least 23 reasons that I have discovered any one of which would be sufficient to provide grounds to have the judgment vacated. It then makes fairly common sense that if there are 23 reasons that I have discovered why a judgment could be null and void upon it's face then the next question obviously becomes how many of the millions of judgments out there have perfectly complied with all 23 requirements? And the answer has to be equally obvious. Let me know if you would like some free help with this. I couldn't charge you if I wanted to. I'm not an attorney.
I also have a judgement in Nevada for Ford Credit Motors. On my credit reports it only appears on Experian not the other 2.
Re: Re: judgement help????? 1. I need to know if a paid judgment or an unpaid will hurt you credit score......??? 2. If you pay the judgment, who do you pay it too and will they file it with the courts as satisfied.....?? 3. how can you get a collection account off your report when it keep coming back as your and its not ..do you settle it with them..?? MONICA01 ================ 1*Trashes it just the same either way. 2*The party who got the judgment. Will they file it with the courts as satified.....??Don't bet on it. 3*Validate:Click on the blue line below. Why would you pay something you don't owe.Why reward them for blackmailing you? The END ************************* LB 59
Re: Re: judgement help????? any public record is a major negative and will hurt your score. who you pay depends on your state, Just make sure that if you do pay it, you do so and get a receipt or statement that the judgement is paid in full from whoever filed for the judgement. Then make sure that if they file with court for satisfaction that you get a copy. If you call the court clerk, they can give you the best information on how to do this. To remove a judgement: 1) Dispute with the cra's "not mine" 2) ask for procedure request if they verify 3) rack up violation if they respond inadequatley 4) check court records for any problems with service,fees or amount of judgement.