Why do collectors use them? So they can see who has a judgement against them? How does this help them? Woofer
That date will be the very first entry in the court docket. Also, when and if you get served, the date of filing will be clock stamped on the complaint.
Collectors use them mainly to identify family and neighbors. Collectors are allowed to call those people for location information with respect to the debtor under the FDCPA. But the hardcore "Buffalo tactics" collectors make impermissible calls for purposes of embarassing the debtor. I believe the "Maxed Out" documentary has a collector doing this on film and enjoying every minute of it. http://www.maxedoutmovie.com/
How are family and friends on these reports? Sorry I am not understanding this clearly. Are you also saying that I can get YOUR report which basically is YOUR credit report and more, for just 9 bucks or whatever? I never knew this, so anyone that is NOSY can see your reports. A WOW from Woofer
Well the attorney tells me that they filed two days before the SOL ran out. So I am screwed right? She also tells me that if I pay the balance in full before it goes to court that it will not appear on my credit. Is that true? because as of now there is no record of the debt on my credit reports.
Just because the attorney calculated SOL the same way the plaintiff apparently did does not mean that both are accurate (assuming they're using the correct SOL, but counting wrongly) or correct (assuming the contract might choose the law of a different state and that state might have a different [shorter] SOL ... and you might not know that yet because the contract and all its' revisions might not be attached to the complaint). If you settle with them for a mutual dismissal with prejudice then it isn't going to show up on the CRA reports in the PR section. If you enter a stipulated judgment with them, or let them get a default judgment, or a summary judgment or if the thing goes to trial and they win a plain 'ol judgment ... those can show up on your credit reports. The likelihood is that they will show up on your credit reports, though there are folks around that have lucked out ... however, not having a judgment showing on your credit reports is a small comfort unless you're moving out of state. But first they must serve you with that complaint ... and there may be time standards (90 days, 120 days, what-have-you) in which they need to do it or the court might dismiss the case on their own and if that happens ... ha ha ... it's out of SOL when they refile it, if they ever do. Dodging service is seldom an availing strategy, but this may be one of those small percentge of instances... But make sure the attorney you spoke to accurately fixed the start date of that SOL, since it seems to be a close call, and it's possible everybody may be incorrectly working from the DOLA and expecting nobody to catch it. It's your job to catch it. And don't forget that it's a good bet Unifund's evidence for their case is either unavailable or shoddy enough to lose them the case. It's far from a lost cause that you should panic and pay up willy-nilly.
Family because they assemble trees of birth and death records. So parents, children, brothers and sisters are going to show up, with more or less current addresses and phone numbers. Friends no... I said neighbors ... which is a simple matter of showing who lives now at handful of street numbers closest to any you have ever lived at (although they show who's there currently, so a transient neighborhood won't give anybody anything very useful if the address is older than a couple of years).
So the thing is for them to call a neighbor or a family member and get them to call you? AS for this info I CAN GET ANYONE's CREDIT REPORT if I want to pay for it? WOofer
Not a CRA report ... this is a public record report. https://w3.lexis.com/consumeraccess2.0/sample/person_report.htm In my experience, it's a lot longer and more detailed than the sample they give here.
Well, the neighbor or family member might use the info against you. Also, some collectors will even threaten the neighbor or family member with whatever they think might scare them ...
So public records would have if you have a judgement against you, been arrested, tax leins? I know if you own real estate this is in the registry of deeds. (not the arrest) but other two. Thankfully I don't have many family members, and NO neighbours to speak of On my credit report monitoring service it has a thing you can click on for public records I have and nothing. Is it pretty safe to say, if you have no judgements or criminal records that there is not much public on your report? Or do they have if you are a member of a board, and what you own? Woofer
Arrests no, convictions yes. If you're on a board that will likely show up, assuming it's on record at the Secretary of State's office. Your lack of immediate neighbors doesn't mean that the people with the closest residential proximity won't be shown, whether you know them or not.