Judgement question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jwpj, May 14, 2013.

  1. jwpj

    jwpj Well-Known Member

    Hello again all,

    So I have one more question for the experts here.

    I have a CareCredit collection of just over $3,000 that I was served for about 3 weeks ago. I called and set up payment arrangements with the law firm handling the case so I wont have to appear in court. The issue is, the judgement is still going to be entered with the courts, which means that it may appear under public records on my CR.

    Apparently, the judgement is going to be filed on 05/16 (2 days). I called the attorney's office, and they told me that if I can settle before the 16th (settlement amount is a minimum of around $2300, and I fought hard to get it that low).

    I can pay it (and plan on doing so, because I don't want the hit on my CR under public records) but before I do, I wanted to run it by the forum here and ask if you think it's the best option?

    If I stick to the payment plan, what are the chances that this will actually appear under public records on my CR?

  2. Heather L

    Heather L Well-Known Member

    From my personal experience with judgments and tax liens, even if you are paying faithfully every month in a payment plan they will still record the judgment or lien on your credit report. Thanks! Heather with BoostMyScore.NET

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