butch, i know you will all think i'm nuts, but i will not do perjury and make up some lie to file. i did screw up and messed up my credit and i'm willing to take responsiblity for it. it's one thing to get rid of entries through debt validation and nutcase letters etc, because i'm doing everything legally and it's the furnishers, that are not following the law. but it's a totally different thing to lie in court to get a desired result. i will not stoop to that. my question, as i had emphasized several times in this thred,k is not how to vacate a judgement, but how i can push the credit bureaus to correct the information on the report. since obviously noone knows i think we should herewith end this thread.
Sorry to add another post to this Varinia, but what you are asking isn't possible. The CRAs are reporting what is a matter of public record. Until that is changed, you can't get the CRA to report it any differently. Gib
hey question for you since you are familiar w/ CA law? I have a judgement and it is satisfied, from CA. What can I do to get it vacated? I dont think it was updated within 14 days of satisfaction.. but isn't there an SOL of how long you have before you can file a motion to vacate after it has been satisfied? I thought it was one year.. if 1 year has past, can i stil l file a motion to vacate on the specific reason u stated? thanks
Well ... believe me Varinia, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way when I first joined the board. I do hope you'll stay and do a lot of reading. In time I think you'll realize that if YOU are gonna play fair and THEY will not, you'll usually lose. I didn't mean to advocate that you lie really, although that appears to be what I said. I just mean that if you dig again, and dig hard and deep I bet you find a small trap door in this brick wall you've run into. There's got to be some "T" that isn't crossed, or "I" that isn't dotted. You may want to consult an atty. yourself. Short of guerilla warfare, I'm wondering if, as per Gib, the letter from the atty. will help you change the formal record. At that point you can force the CRA's to acquiesce. And then if your brutal honesty will allow it you can live with the neg report and high interest rates for another 5 years. A tuff situation for a Real-Estate Investor. Good luck, keep us posted.
WHOA - I see a major mistake - If you filed a response and this case doesn't show it, then it is plain to me that you were not served on this case. You must have been served on another case, the case in which you filed a response with the court! You can swear, in a court of law, that you DID file a response in the case in which you were served, canâ??t you? If there is no record of your response it must be a different case. None of the above is perjury; it is your interpretation of the facts in the light most favorable to your side. It is what lawyers do all day. <read very carefully between the lines here - this is what the AMEX lawyer is hinting at > I advise you against perjuring yourself but use your head. Tell your version of the story in the best way, you are not required to reveal all the facts, you only have to reveal those that support your side. Facts that support another view are to be introduced by the opposing counsel. You know you want to file, so in the words on Nike, Just do it! JohnM
butch, i know you meant well, when you suggested to just make something up. it's just not me. i think i'll be ok, even with the judgment on the report. i'm at 682 with equifax and have 4 more derogs (apart form the judgment) to come off. one of them is cap1, who had already agreed to a goodwill deletion of a 30-day late, but it hasn't come off , yet, and 3 others, that i have on violations after validation requests and nutcase letter and 'intend to sue, if not deleted within 1o days' letter. i'm sure i can pass the 700 mark, even with the judgment. on experian i have 644 with 5 more derogs other than the judgments. same as above. also, the judgment was filed in 97 and acording to experian it will come off 5-04, so, that's only 1 1/2 years. i'm sure it's the same with equifax. as long as i'm able to get my middlescore above 680 i'll be fine when it comes to getting good mortgage rates. thanks to this board i've learned a lot in the past 1 1/2 months. i had no idea about all the things i could have done years ago, if i had only known. i've spend 10,000's of $ extra on mortgages because of the credit. well, live and learn ;-)