Judgements anyone??!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by toneatlas, May 31, 2003.

  1. toneatlas

    toneatlas Member

    About 5 years ago I got a letter saying I have a judgement against me and I'm directed to pay the sherriff x amount of dollars. I ignored the letter, a little while later they sent my employer a letter saying that they have to pay the sheriff the amount of the judgement or they'll come and arrest them. A short while after I left the job never heard from them again.

    My question is, can the creditor post a new judgement against me? It five years later. Also how can I protect my bank account saving/checking against garnishment.

    thanks in advance
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    if they haven't garnished you yet, you are probably okay. what was the amount of the judgement and what state are you in?
  3. toneatlas

    toneatlas Member

    If my memory serves me correctly it was for a couple of thousand. I'm in N.Y


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