
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by raiderpam, Oct 28, 2001.

  1. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Does anybody have a creative idea to remove paid judgements, I tried not mine,came back verified the last time I tried all information is incorrect I am waiting for the update to see if it comes back verified again
  2. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Judgments are not any problem at all most of the time. The right way to handle judgments is to go to the courthouse, get the copies of the judgment they have at the courthouse, figure out what all is wrong with the judgment and then file motion to vacate void judgment. I've only seen one I could not get overturned yet. It was perfectly done and had no flaws that I could find. But all the rest of them I've ever looked at were badly flawed, usually multiple ways. So they are pretty easy to get rid of.

    Trying to get the credit bureaus to take it off is about like trying to mudwrestle a bunch of pigs.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If NOT MINE does not work...try PAID/NEVER LATE...try CREDIT LIMIT WRONG.
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    On a paid off judgment &#191 &#191 &#191 &#191 &#191 &#191 &#191 &#191 OK George. If you say so.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    We might as well have some fun in here somehow. We sure can't dance.

    Have a nice day George.
    And a better one tomorrow.
    And enjoy the both of them in the best of health.
  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Anyway George, to quit MY foolishness and get serious, I wish I could come up with a good way to show people how to go down to their local courthouse, get the court records on judgments, new, paid, unpaid, garnishment stage or whatever and let them learn for themselves (and for free with no strings whatever attached on line so they could get it any time} and see exactly why most judgments are defective and overturnable and how to attack them and win.

    It's really not all that hard to do. Either the attorney that got the judgment had all his ducks in a row or he didn't and if he didn't his judgment is dead meat. Void upon it's face. To make matters worse (or better depending on one's point of view), the whole episode has usually cost the debtor a great deal of anxiety and grief. So the debtor has grounds to sue the attorney for that grief and anxiety. He would need a good attorney to do that, however unless he wanted to spend a great deal of time learning how to do it pro se.

    I can do that in a video quite easily and I am in the process of doing exactly that. But I would also like to be able to do it on line and make it available to all. The major problem is that it takes a lot of bandwidth and disk space to put all the necessary documents on line and once I did it, it would be so slow loading that people with a 56k modem or less would go stark raving mad trying to load the pages.

    Same thing with taxation. We have grave problems with taxation here in the U.S. and they need to be fixed. It isn't that people mind paying taxes because everyone knows and accepts that government has to have vast amounts of money in order to deliver the goods and services that it does. But it's the waste and incompetence people hate and the illegal.uncaring and unfair ways that the IRS goes about ripping it out of the people in far too many cases. The citizenry of any country has to be proud of it's country and proud of it's government. It used to be that way.

    We are seeing a great amount of patriotism these days due to the WTC thing, but is it really the kind of patriotism we once knew when America stood tall in the eyes of the world and people had confidence in their government? No, it isn't. Today our government enjoys about a 20% approval rating or at least it did before the WTC outrage.

    People don't pay their taxes out of the gladness of their hearts because they know the money will always be used to the benefit of the populace and maybe to help some poor people or country out of a mess or a big problem. They pay it out of fear of reprisal if they don't. They are so frightened that they won't even think of demanding their rights anymore because of the problems that would create for them.

    Same thing with judgments. People are scared to death of them and there is absolutely no need because while our legal system is the best and fairest in the world, our lawyers and our judges won't do things by the rules. Although it may not be their intention to be so, they end up being little more than jack-booted thugs preying on the fears of the people just like IRS does.

    They are liars, thieves, thugs and hypocrits. We the people have to put a stop to it and we can.
    If we don't, nobody will and what was designed to be and is the best legal system in the world is degenerated into a mockery as a result.

    And there is only one way to turn it around and put a stop to the abuses and that is to empower the people with knowledge and the truth.

    I think there is little in this life which gives me greater pleasure than to encounter someone who is in the throes of dispair and just about ready to throw in the towel and show them how to resolve their problem and come out winner, laughing all the way, full of confidence because they can see for themselves that it's the right way to fly.

    A downtrodden person can't do anything but cry a lot. Empower that same perspm with knowledge, truth and laughter and they are unstoppable.

    They are proud of themselves, they are proud of their system of justice because they know it works for them when they do right and they are proud of their country and they know they can work within the law to make it better for all.

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