Judgment not recorded.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Naomi, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Naomi

    Naomi New Member

    We are selling our house and are confused about what constitutes a legally recorded judgment. My husband has a five year old judgment showing up on our county clerk's website in the section called "Civil / Family / Probate Record," which shows all filed court cases regardless of whether they went to judgment or were dismissed. The judgment is not showing up in the website's section called "Recorded Documents."

    If a creditor wins a judgment, but doesn't record it, does that mean it isn't a lien against real property? It is my understanding that in Florida it has to be "recorded" which makes it "perfected," but we are confused as to what that means exactly. When a title search is done, what is the title agent looking for, and what has to show up in order for the judgment to be deducted from the sale proceeds. We fully expect two judgments to be deducted as they are in the "recorded section," but wonder if at closing any and all judgments get deducted even if they're only showing up in the section displaying all filed court cases regardless of outcome.


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