Well, I emailed the court records keeper about their policies with judgment and reporting and here is what he sent back to me: "The Credit Reporting Agencies, get their information by researching the court records. The courts don't contact them with information. If their researchers find a judgment, the name on the judgment is searched using the credit agency database. The judgment and credit information are combined, and sometimes it is not the correct person. I do not think they verify the information with any Oregon records keepers. When it is not correct, the only thing you can do to get it off of your credit report is dispute it, by giving the credit agency as much information as they need to verify that it is not yours. If the Credit Reporting Agency can not prove that it is your judgment, they have to remove it from your report. I hope this is helpful."
Another truth of the matter is that in most judgments the only identifying information to the consumer is their name and address. If a judgment was obtained against you at a previous address and you have that previous address removed from your credit file, the judgment will not be verified if you dispute it. They need at least two pieces of indentifying information. Just a matching name is not enough. I tried this theory with a friend's disputes, so far we're 2 for 2!
So the CRAs scurry around looking to add information to your credit file. They always baby-face you on the phone and claim, "We are just a reporting mechanism, we have nothing to do with adding deleting or modifing credit entries". Here is documented proof these bastards lie.
Their motive for scurrying around looking for the 'dirt' on consumers: The worse your credit is, the more inquiries it will take to get you financed, get a credit card, etc. Each inquiry=more money in the CRA's pockets. Stinks, don't it?
Would this work for tax liens also?? My sister has a horrible credit report so I'm wondering if this would only work with judgments?
How is a judgement the easiest thing to remove? I have been trying for 2 years to remove a paid judgement and they won't budge whatsoever. They also said the judgement would stay on 7 years after the paid date, not the date of the judgement itself, which is incorrect. What do I have to tell them in my letter that I haven't? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I forgot to ask in my previous post - How do you remove the address (listed as yours with your judgement) from your credit report? Do you just tell them you want it removed? My judgement shows up on Equifax only...
Courtney, If you no longer live at the address you resided at when the judgment was obtained against you, dispute that address (and all old addresses) as NOT MINE. Once the address have been removed from your credit file, then dispute the judgment as NOT MINE.
Quick question.If you have a judgement on your cr and somehow have it deleted,the judgement is deleted but dont you still owe them the money?Can they still garnish your wages or put a lein on your home?Please reply