
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bug63, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. bug63

    bug63 New Member

    Can a judgment happen if you never go to court?

    My boyfriend received a letter in the mail (normal mail mind you) stating a judgment had been filed, but he never received anything to show in court. Now they have frozen our joint account.

    What can we do?

    Thank you in advance
  2. buddyo

    buddyo New Member

    YES. It can. They can win in default if you are absent. You could even get a bench warrant if you don't show up. You should attend (or, even get a lawyer) and go. They're not just going to go away.

    Contact the courts and find out if they court date has already occured. If it's a pre-judgement bank seizure, attend the court date. If it's not, appeal with the courts for another hearing.

    Get your paychecks in checks and not direct deposit. Get a new bank account, and keep most of it in cash. No accounts are safe. Contact your origional bank, find out what the collection agency is, and find out the details.

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