I had my son in 1999 he was premature and stayed in the hospital for 6 weeks. I provided the insurance during his stay his coverage began 6/1/1999 before was even born. Now the hospital that I had him at has no record of the bill that is 40,000 and there is an attorney that is handling a bill for the hospital that they have no record of at. I had papers served in the mail back in 2002 but I was given no court date to appear in court. Now they have filed a judgement against me and placed a lien on my house. I was only 17 years of age when I was in the hospital for my son. How can I fix this where I can have a clear title and clear the judgement. The judgement is not on my credit report just my house.
You could move to vacate the judgment on a number of grounds (incapacity being the chief one) but, you would likely need an attorney in your state to draft the pleadings.