Jumping the GUN

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 10ured, May 19, 2005.

  1. 10ured

    10ured New Member

    I started working on repairing my credit a couple of months ago and have gone from under 500 up to a 610 by utilizing the dispute options onine.

    I still have a negative revolving credit on my C.R. from Cross Country Bank. It has been picked up by NCO and is showing up on my C.R. from them as well.

    This debt came from a company credit card issued to me by my past employer who was responsible for my company card as they were for every company representative's credit cards. (cards were used for company expenses only but did have our names on them)

    I've disputed ownership of this debt for the past 3 years or so with the O.C. and the C.R.C. but have had no positive results. I even participated in a conference call with the C.R.C. and the past employer where the past employer assumed responsibility for the debt. (about 1 year ago)

    It's still on my record. The past employer is out of business and now the C.R.C. say they did not document the results of the conference call.

    It remained on my C.R. after I disputed it so yesterday I went to the F.T.C's website and registered a complaint against the O.C. and the C.R.C. and stated my reasons as I have told above.

    After finding this forum today and reading some of your experiences it seems that I may have jumped the gun on this, any advice?



  2. 10ured

    10ured New Member

    By the way,
    I have disputed these two (the O.C. and the C.R.C.) with all the C.R.As and the only one to remove anything was equifax, they took the O.C. off but left the C.R.C on. Can I go back and dispute these as not mine after already disputing them?
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    "I even participated in a conference call with the C.R.C. and the past employer where the past employer assumed responsibility for the debt. (about 1 year ago)

    It's still on my record. The past employer is out of business and now the C.R.C. say they did not document the results of the conference call."

    I assume the CRC is a CA. If the CA had participated in a conference call that was inconvenient to their attempt to collect from you, I doubt they would find any documentation of it. For that matter, if your employer assumed responsibility for the debt, how do you even know whether or not they paid it?

    Did you sign an application for the card? Have you specifically requested it as part of a request for validation, have they produced an application, and are you responsible, or just an authorized user?
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did other employees have similar cards, and are they being pursued by the CA also? Did the company file bankruptcy, and was this debt included in that bankruptcy filing? Were the bills normally sent to the company, and not directly to you, for payment?
  5. 10ured

    10ured New Member

    Yes, other company sales reps had the same banks credit cards issued through the company. Dont know if the other employees are being pursued but I would suppose since I am that they are as well.

    The company sold out to a larger corporation and the billing was between the cc company and my old employer. How ever the cards had the employees names on them.
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Just because your company was bought doesn't mean the debts disappear. The purchasing company may have bought the responsibility for the debts along with the assets. You might want to talk to someone at your state employment development department, or equivalent agency. There may be an employee wage issue here.
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    It might also be worth talking to some of the other ex-employees. You might get a better response as a group, either from a state agency, the new company, or an attorney to represent you if you need that.

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