Junum results - 2nd round

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Mar 7, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Timing: The 2nd round of diputes took 61 days from the day I mailed the revised CRA reports back to Junum from my 1st round of disputing. For your interest, the 1st round took 87 days. Both of the time frames were in accordance with what I expected.

    Results of the 2nd round:

    TU - No change. I only had 2 BK related credit cards on the report after the 1st round. As they had both been "verified" by TU in the 1st round, I received a letter from TU a month ago stating that TU would not reinvestigate them. I had expected this to happen.

    Equifax - Two (2) BK related credit card charges were deleted in the 2nd round.

    Experian - One (1) BK related credit card charge was deleted in the 2nd round. This is ironic because I only ever tried to delete one lousy item off a credit report myself. This was it and I had said the wrong thing to Experian and got it verified as a BK item in September. Stupid me. In the 1st round, the item was reverified. Then fortune smiled on me in the 2nd round. The lender name is changing lender names and in the confusion, the item got disputed and deleted by Junum. Just incredible. By the way, I am convinced that this item would have been deleted in the 1st round if I had not tried to dispute it myself.

    Where do I stand today:

    TU - 2 BK credit card accounts

    Equifax - 3 BK credit card acounts

    Experian - 3 BK credit card accounts

    Total Junum deletion statistics:

    Two (2) foreclosure items. There were only 2 of these as the foreclosure never got reported to one CRA.

    Ten (10) BK related credit card accounts out of eighteen (18).

    One (1) "lost or stolen card" account.

    I am very satisfied with Junum. Please remember that while I don't like admitting this: All of the negatives on my credit reports were accurate due to my injury I sustained a few years ago.

    Tosay, I made personal copies of my updated credit reports. I am now thinking about my strategy for the 3rd round of Junum disputes. In the 3rd round, I plan to tell Junum what to do as I am concerned that if I let them dispute the 8 remaining items a third time it will appear frivolous. I may ask them to insert Capital One credit limits and delete my old address etc. instead.
  2. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Jim, seems like Junum is doing a very good job for you. I wish you much success with Round 3.

  3. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Mom, I hope you see this post

    Thanks mom. Is everything Ok with you?

    How about Roni?

    I asked this on another thread that you may not have seen yet. Since this just got put on the board, I thought I would ask again.
  4. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member


    Yes I saw your question and replied to the Momof3 thread.

  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim,. that's awesome

    I Jim. Congratulations. I would say you got your money's worth with Junum. It sounds like they got their act together. And you know what, I may hire them back if Transunion gives me trouble. My experian is as clean as it can get. I was turned down by NOrdstrom. Why? Because they say I had 5 defaulted student loans reported. However, this is the same 2 citibank sl reported 5 times by the lender and guarantor. The credit bureaus tells us that creditors are suppose to know that it is actually just 1 or this case 2 accounts in duplicate, etc. But that is not the case obviously. Oh life is grand. I think I had better get my tail back on the inquiry wagon. At least I got target...lol.


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