This is just a rant to make me feel better GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! My bank branch is closing.... NBC Bank has Merged with Suntrust. I really like my bank- exellent customer service. the branch is in the supermarket -1 block from my Apt.- & they are open 'til 7pm Mon-Fri & a couple of hours on Sat. I rec'd some info in the mail today saying that I can 'CONVENIENTLY' conduct my transactions at the new location- starting April 22nd... New location / same shopping center... Hours : 9AM- 4PM... I work from 8Am - 5PM Higher fees & Higher intrest rates on loans New Suntrust check card/checks & probably acct # HOW THE &^%*&$ IS THIS CONVENIENT??!!?? I will closing my account on or before 21 April & banking with DCU, thank you.... Ahhhhhhhhhh.... better now... Thanks S23
you could do your banking on line, and by phone, use direct deposits, and virtually never have to visit the branch office!
Yup.... I already do most everything online now - the new bank wants a monthly fee for online banking If I have to go through the trouble of having accounts changed over - I'll go somewhere that has lower fees - It's time that I switched to a Credit Union anyway... S23
Old thread, but I just found it, sorry for raising it from the dead... Seraph, do you live near Nashboro Village?