Just a rant...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by seraph23, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    This is just a rant to make me feel better


    My bank branch is closing....

    NBC Bank has Merged with Suntrust.

    I really like my bank- exellent customer service. the branch is in the supermarket -1 block from my Apt.- & they are open 'til 7pm Mon-Fri & a couple of hours on Sat.

    I rec'd some info in the mail today saying that I can 'CONVENIENTLY' conduct my transactions at the new location- starting April 22nd...

    New location / same shopping center... Hours : 9AM- 4PM...
    I work from 8Am - 5PM
    Higher fees & Higher intrest rates on loans
    New Suntrust check card/checks & probably acct #


    I will closing my account on or before 21 April & banking with DCU, thank you....

    Ahhhhhhhhhh.... better now...


  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    you could do your banking on line, and by phone, use direct deposits, and virtually never have to visit the branch office!
  3. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member


    I already do most everything online now

    - the new bank wants a monthly fee for online banking

    If I have to go through the trouble of having accounts changed over - I'll go somewhere that has lower fees - It's time that I switched to a Credit Union anyway...


  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    it was just an idea...
    good thought going with the CU
    good luck!
  5. Pandora

    Pandora Well-Known Member

    Old thread, but I just found it, sorry for raising it from the dead...

    Seraph, do you live near Nashboro Village?

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