When I found creditnet I was at rock bottom. In 1998 I was evicted from my first apartment (not on our CR). Hubby had gotten injured at work and was unable to work, however he was not eligible for workers comp benefits. I was making $9 an hour and got paid bi-weekly. Our rent was $710 a month, car payment was $210, and it got so bad I let my car insurance go, we cancelled cable AND phone. Our priorities were car, food and rent. I had a Sears card, a Circuit City card, a Cap one card all in charge off only months after I got the cards (1998), plus I had numerous 30 day late pays with Ford. Hubby and I were forced to move in with my parents, and to boot I was pregnant with our second child. It was HORRIBLE, we paid $100 a week for the first year, we lived in their basement (they have a split) we had one BR that we let the kids share. We shared the bathroom, kitchen, phones etc. They raised rent to $150 a week 1/01. In August of 2000 we bought a car that was WAY out of our price range, BUT when we were car shopping our trusty Ford (sarcasm) had shit the bed when we got to the dealer, we had no savings and we were $3K in negative equity. Our payments went from $210 to $475. OUCH!! In December of 2000 a friend of mine got me a new job at her friends gas station, it's a 40 minute drive, but for what I do the pay can't be beat, plus free gas. That same month the manager at this gas station quit and we needed another full timer fast. Well hubby was switching jobs and he decided to pass on the other job and come work here at the station. In August of 2001 hubby and I finally saved enough to get our own place, when we applied for the first place we got denied due to our credit reports. That was one of the first times I ever pulled a report w/score, I was horrified!!! I sent off a few disputes, not a whole lot was deleted, but it was progress. I was searching the web and found creditnet YAY!! Since October 2001, I have had quite a significant score increase. I have received a Citi card with a total CL of 11.5K a BoA card with 5.5K, in 98 my total CL was MAYBE $1000. I just finally moved out of my parents house with a nicely cushioned savings account, I own STOCK!!! lol, how grown up of me. I now have 2 vehicles, instead of sharing 1. I also carry car insurance. Hubby and I are working with the gas station owner to possible buy him out. The monthly lease for the land is $6200 and it makes me a little nervous, but to think 4 years ago I couldn't buy a pack of gum without breaking the bank, and now I might buy a business, CRAZY...lol I now understand APR's, negotiating CL increase and lower rates, I know how to ask for a reconsideration. I know how to treat the CRA's <g>, I thought they were my friend before lol. This all thanks to creditnet.....what an unbelieveable group of people you are, thank you so much for all your help.
Wow! That is great progress. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it and you have the help of the wonderful people on the board. There are so many success stories on this board and thank you for sharing with us.
What an amazing story! It just shows what you can do when you set your mind to it and have the right information to do it with. Inspiration to me!!
this is a great Story of accomplishment!!! It really made me feel that there is hope instead of dispair . Congradulations to you and your hubby. This is such a wonderful sight !! I'm so glad to be a part of it. kathy
Wow...this takes my breath away. I enjoy stories of people who don't take the easy way out, but instead persist and overcome their difficulties. You'll have gained your kids' respect for sure.