Keep DV'ing?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by grannycash, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. grannycash

    grannycash Member

    Went to court and after several continuances waiting for them to come up with the proof that the account was mine - I moved to another state and the case was nonsuited.

    NOW - W&A "sold" the account to an arm of their company and they sent it to a lawyer in the state where I live now. I DV'd W&A, the arm of the company who responded with a photocopy of what I guess is the last statement and handed it over to a lawyer in the state where I live now. Should I DV the new lawyer, also? Should I inform the lawyer of the past history on this account? - or just plain DV again? Use the KISS letter or spell it out again what I am requesting? Just stand here and keep spinning my wheels? DOLA, I believe is in October this year.
  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    When in doubt validate!
    Never attempt to teach the other fellow how much you know. Always make them teach you how much they know[/quote] Use the KISS letter or spell it out again what I am requesting? [/quote]See Rule #1 above and if in doubt then see Rule #2 which is see Rule #1 above. LOL
    Well, if DOLA is that close then spin your wheels to the greatest extent possible while preserving all your options.
  3. grannycash

    grannycash Member

    Thank you for answering!! It's all making me so crazy - I guess that clears up the fog a little. Thanks again.

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