Knowing score (long)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by drmgirl6, Sep 15, 2002.

  1. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Here is an article that I found interesting in my local newspaper today and wanted to share.

    WASHINGTON -- In a misguided attempt to improve their credit scores, too many mortgage borrowers are taking steps that end up doing more harm than good.

    Among other blunders, they are paying off judgments when they don't have to, closing out old accounts they shouldn't and opening up new ones and unnecessarily consolidating their credit cards. Though these strategies seem like sound ways to upgrade your borrowing position, any one of them is more likely to lower your score.

    So will surfing online for the very best rates available, trying to improve on a score that's already good enough to obtain the rate you are after, and opening up new accounts after you've been approved for the mortgage.

    In all of these cases, says scoring guru Ginny Ferguson, a mortgage broker in Pleasanton, Calif., near San Francisco, timing is everything. Why? Because a credit score is simply a snapshot of your credit profile on the day it is calculated. Three days from now, it could be different.

    Much of what Ferguson, who chairs the National Association of Mortgage Brokers' credit-scoring task force, has to say is contrary to popular wisdom. But she says that often "consumers are being given bad information that can be extremely detrimental to their credit scores."

    For the uninitiated, a credit score is a numerical, computer-generated statistical grade that quickly and objectively evaluates all the information in your credit profile. It is often referred to as a FICO score, after the company that originated it, Fair Isaacs & Co. But only one of the three major credit repositories actually uses the FICO model. The two others have their own software programs.

    Mortgage companies and secondary market investors have been using scoring for several years now because it significantly increases their ability to determine their risk on each and every loan. In other words, they use the predictive power of scoring to weed out the slow or bad payers and decide who pays less, who pays more and who doesn't qualify at any rate.

    A loan applicant's score isn't the only determining factor. Such considerations as income, how long you've been on the job, location of the property, down payment and cash on hand are important, too. But it is a key piece of the puzzle, so it behooves anyone who is in the market for a house to go over their credit files carefully at least 90 days before applying for a loan. Obviously, you should take whatever steps are necessary to correct mistakes and expunge incorrect information. Also pay off any and all current late accounts right away.

    "Right now, past dues are killers," says Ferguson, a former real estate broker who is a co-owner of Heritage Valley Mortgage. "They will submarine you, so paying them off will have an immediate and positive impact" on your score.

    Beyond that, though, proceed cautiously. One thing you don't want to do is pay off any judgments or collections that are at least 24 months old.

    Not only is this "unlikely to get you where you want to go," Ferguson warns, it could turn an old problem the scoring software views as insignificant into a new one the program sees as much more serious.

    Why? Because scores are based on the last day of activity. So if you pay off a 5-year-old credit problem, it becomes a "yesterday event" that will have a much more profound -- read that "negative" -- impact on your score.

    If the lender requires you to pay off old derogatories, Ferguson suggests doing so at closing, not before. Otherwise, the payoff may be counted against you.

    Even if you act after you've been approved, it could have a negative impact because, for quality-control reasons, some lenders run a credit report before settlement. If that happens, the new entry could lower your score.

    That's the same reason you don't want to open any credit accounts before closing. Even if they have a zero balance, new accounts will drop your score. How much depends on what else is in your profile and how the 40 variables the software looks at stack up against one another. But even a few points can affect the price of the loan or the type of loan for which you qualify.

    Would-be borrowers also need to be careful about consolidating debt and closing credit cards, the California mortgage broker advises. Missteps could give the system the wrong impression about how you use credit.

    "Don't consolidate," Ferguson warns. "It could send your score into the basement."

    The reason: The number of sizable outstanding balances is predictive of risk, as is the proportion of those balances to the total credit limit. It is better to have five credit cards, each with $5,000 limits and four with $1,000 balances, than to consolidate all that into a single card with a $5,000 limit and a $4,000 balance.

    When you are only using 16 percent of your available credit, the system sees you as self-disciplined and low-risk. But when you are using 80 percent of your available credit, you've changed the picture entirely.

    "From a risk perspective, who would you loan to?" Ferguson asks. "You'll get far more mileage out of paying your available balances down to 30 percent or less of the credit available to you than you will by paying off some cards and leaving others maxed out."

    The length of time you've had credit can be critical too. A short history is indicative of risk, especially with other negative factors. If you transfer the balances from accounts you have had for three, four or five years into a new account, even one carrying a lower interest rate, you no longer have any longer-term credit to evaluate.

    Scoring models "don't like limited credit histories," says the scoring expert. "The longer you've had credit, the more time there is to analyze. If you've had credit for only a few months, the system won't know how you are going to perform. Therefore, a seasoned file is going to score higher."

    Models aren't crazy about lots of credit inquiries, either. Multiple inquiries contribute less than 10 percent of the weight of a score, depending on what else is in your file. And ordinarily, inquiries alone will not lower a score.

    But again, timing is key. Multiple requests by auto dealers or mortgage companies made within a 14-day period count as only one inquiry. But quality-control inquiries and all others older than 30 days before the date on the current report will have an effect.

    Which is why you should be "very cautious" of surfing the Internet for a loan, Ferguson warns. The Web is "fine for looking" for the best rates, terms and loan products, she explains. "You can look all day long. But the minute you authorize an online lender to pull your credit report, you are creating an inquiry" that could count against you.

    Finally, if your score is high enough to obtain the rate and terms you are after, leave well enough alone. Don't let your ego get in the way of how the system works.

    "If it's not broken, don't fix it," the scoring guru advises.
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Excellent article. I will add this to the Un-FAQ too.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    What's the name of the paper and the article's author?
  4. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    G Fisher,

    It's in the Orlando Sentinel today, Sept 15, 2002 and its by Lew Sichelman, United Feature Syndicate.
  5. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    "But only one of the three major credit repositories actually uses the FICO model. The two others have their own software programs."

    Does anybody know what he's talking about? The Fair, Isaac web site still says they do the scores for all three.

    The article made no mention of the site-- with the Score Simulator.


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