seems like they only check tu. my tu score is 620 with some negs: 1 medical collection $90 (2001) 1 paid charge off student loan (due to fall off soon) 1 mortgage late (2000) providian 1 late positive accounts include cap one beldon's jewelry lane bryant what do you think.... and if denied will pfb help. i dont want to waste an inquiry, i can wait for some of the deletions to come through.
When I applied for Kohls, this is what I had on TU: 2 retail cards 1 Visa 2 car loans (one paid in full) 3 inquiries (only 3 in the past 6 months) 0 derogs Not sure what my score was. They gave me a limit of $1200.
Received the same $1200 limit w/ a v. similiar mix of credit. They only pulled TU for me too and so far they report on EQ only for me. Applied in store.
I got 1k with them last summer via in store instant credit. My scores at the time were in the low 600. On the annual review they bumped my cl to 1500.00. Becare...if you are a day late with your payment they will reduce your credit line and you will have to wait 3 months of on time payments to request in reinstated.
Hey, this may be just what I was looking for! My TU is 601 right now. As of 8/1/02, I will have a public record fall off, and on 9/1/02, there will be 2 inquiries gone. (dumb company ran 2 inquiries!) A month later, there will be 2 more gone, and I will have 6 months of a loan being paid off quicker than required, the loan will be about 35% paid off by then. I imagine that TU will be about 10 points higher at least, or at least that is what I am hoping! Anyway, my EQ and EX both show 0 for score, saying there is not enough to make a score. I have one deragotory on each (our good friends, OSI and Palisades because of AT&T) and one check from 97 on one of them. Anyway, I want to get something good on the other two, so maybe I will apply to them in Sep or Oct. We can do a little clothes shopping and pay it off right away, and boost the other score. Thanks for the information!
I just called Kohl's. I went to their website, found their credit number, called them and asked what they required. They said they pull TU and they require 630 or above. I hope this helps! BTW - I also did this with a furniture store in my area. They were really helpful. I may do this a lot more often and save myself from getting inquiries uinnecessarily!
That's actually a really good idea. To call first and see what the requirements are. If the rep knows this can be v. helpful in knowing whether or not to apply.