Krisiti, need your insight ple

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Momof3, Oct 15, 2000.

  1. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    As I had posted earlier I received a bill from collection agency for a bill from 1989, J Edgar was kind enough to write me out a letter and I printed it and I am mailing tomorrow, of course I changed the you's to I's etc. it reads. The debt was charged off over 11 years ago. The creditor never made an attempt to secure a judgement. The debt is now beyond that statute of limitations for obtaining a judgement in every jurisdiction in the US.

    Considering that the debt was charged off 11 years ago, any attempt to re-age it and place it on your credit report would be a fraudulent act and a violation for the FCRA and FDCPA.

    If the collection agency makes any further attempts to collect his debt, which they know is not actionable in any fashion, that you will take legal action against them for a deliberate violation of the FCRA and FDCPA.

    Inform the collection agency that you wish to have no further contact with them regarding this debt. Inform them that you monitor your credit reports very carefully and that if the place any information regarding this debt on your credit report, you will take the appropriate legal action against them.

    Now my question, yes there is one LOL. Do you think after they receive this this will realize that I DO know my rights and will they attempt to bother me in the future?? I know they can't report this on my reports, but could they possible try to do this?? And if so then what would I have to do?? I am trying to buy a new home next summer and I don't want these scumbags raining on my parade.

    Thanks for your input Kristi:)
  2. Kristi-

    Kristi- Guest

    RE: Krisiti, need your insight

    Sounds like a perfect letter courtesy of J. Edgar :0)--You should not have any further problems. If you do,threaten them that you will consult with a class action attorney and find others that you are sure they are doing this to as well.

    Hope this helps mom!
    Ps: you did send it certified right? I'd fax it too.

    Momof3 wrote:
    As I had posted earlier I received a bill from collection agency for a bill from 1989, J Edgar was kind enough to write me out a letter and I printed it and I am mailing tomorrow, of course I changed the you's to I's etc. it reads. The debt was charged off over 11 years ago. The creditor never made an attempt to secure a judgement. The debt is now beyond that statute of limitations for obtaining a judgement in every jurisdiction in the US.

    Considering that the debt was charged off 11 years ago, any attempt to re-age it and place it on your credit report would be a fraudulent act and a violation for the FCRA and FDCPA.

    If the collection agency makes any further attempts to collect his debt, which they know is not actionable in any fashion, that you will take legal action against them for a deliberate violation of the FCRA and FDCPA.

    Inform the collection agency that you wish to have no further contact with them regarding this debt. Inform them that you monitor your credit r....
  3. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    RE: Krisiti, need your insight

    Thanks Kristi, and yes I am sending it certified:) Thanks again for your quick and helpful response!
  4. Crdt Dfnse

    Crdt Dfnse Well-Known Member

    Just A Quick FYI

    Just so that you know as it may not make a difference in youâ??re letter, yet you should be aware of itâ?¦ Ohio, Kentucky, and Rhode Island all have SOLs of 15 years. If youâ??re not in one of these then youâ??ve nothing to worry about. :)

    Keep The Faith,
    Anthony Villaseñor
  5. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    RE: Just A Quick FYI

    nope Virginia here:)

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