Lady Carr

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Momof3, Nov 14, 2000.

  1. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Hi, I was just curious if you remember how long it took for the balance transfer option to appear for your online account?? They said I would know in 5 days, just wondering if it took that amount of time or less. Can't you tell I am anxious to transfer:)

  2. LadyCarr

    LadyCarr Guest

    RE: Mom

    I really don't remember how long it was, but it didn't take the full 5 days. It may have been 3 days, but don't quote me on that. I would tell you to be patient, but I wasn't either. :)
    So just check it online everday.
    Good Luck
  3. newcomer2

    newcomer2 Guest

    Lady carr is right . It will take about 2-3 days and the Rep will probably not know That you order a balance transfer through the business department, but will tell you striat out that you can transfer for 6 months for 6.9. And you just give him/her the account numbers and the amounts and your done ! pritty simple it will take a week for all the other banks to recive the money they wire transfer it . The latest bank to post on mine what Offcourse CCB. Wish will be gone shortly . :) . Good luck mom
  4. newcomer2

    newcomer2 Guest

    Lady carr is right . It will take about 2-3 days and the Rep will probably not know That you order a balance transfer through the business department, but will tell you striat out that you can transfer for 6 months for 6.9. And you just give him/her the account numbers and the amounts and your done ! pritty simple it will take a week for all the other banks to recive the money they wire transfer it . The latest bank to post on mine what Offcourse CCB. Wish will be gone shortly . :) . Good luck mom

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