Landlord Collection

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tesses, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Tesses

    Tesses Member

    My previous landlord has hired a collection agency for rents she feels I never paid. Obviously, I have some cleared checks to prove my innocence, but some months I paid cash or money orders. I have never had this experience before.

    Her claim is for rent that she does not recall collecting in October, which has cleared my account along with November's which I had advised via certified letter that I would be utilizing my deposit towards. But now her list includes past late fees and amounts she says that I never paid - however she never mentioned this until after I vacated the property.

    I am aware that in Fl a landlord must provide a certified letter if they intend not to return a deposit within 15 days after vacancy, however she did not send a letter. Further, I know that she is entitled to send a certified letter to collect unpaid rent at any time; however she never did this either - until after I had moved.

    I sent a request to validate and the CA sent a copy of the lease - but did not send it via certified mail. Should I respond? How much information should I provide? Should I provide my list of payments as compared to her list of payments (which appears to be from her bank records of deposits made into her account, which may not be completely accurate)?

    I appreciate any insight.

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