I rent from a private person (not a company). I am always on time or early. Can a landlord/owner put a positive tradeline on your report? What is the process for getting accounts put on a cr. Is there a form she needs to submit. What info does it ask. Do any of you hve tradelines like this on your report?
I don't think CRA's will allow rent to be used as a tradeline since you aren't borrowing money from your landlord. Rent is considered like utility bills and insurance. I do know that some mortgage companies will allow people to use their utility bills and rent payments in order to get a mortgage. Usually these people have thin credit files. Of course if you didn't pay your utility bills or got evicted this would show up on your CR. Go figure.
My lease shows up on my CR as a "rental agreement lease" They however are a large corp. Funny thing is they were right on there when we moved in back in April, but they haven't updated since June, so I sent an email and they sent me a UDF with the correct balance except they forgot to cross out the CRA subscriber #'s they have with them (not mine). I was wondering when it would show up on EXP (cause it hasn't) and apparently they dont subscribe to them. Anywho YES they can report it BUT I believe your landlord needs to have 50+ rental apartments in order to report.
When I was qualifying to buy my home, My loan officer had my rent history added to my credit reports. I do not know which ones, but she did it. I think this was temporary though. A tactic used to inflate your scores to qualify for a mortgage.