Ok Saar! Wow that is a bit presumptous of you to just put down a time and place and just expect people to just come running................. Cypri
By the way you can count me out on that one! I have two little tests to take called the FLA bar and the MPRE. Cypri
Thanks, Cypri, I think very highly of you, too I don't expect anyone running (well, except for LKH, if his car dies right on the way to Sin City ) Saar
In less than 24 hours, there are 10 of us already. A few more, and we'll get the group booking discount, offered by most hotels. Saar
I posted this in the other thread, but I wanted to make a case for something more central one last time before, alas, reluctantly conceding defeat. (Saar, when you posted the location and time, we really were just beginning the discussion. By posting the location/time so quickly, you pre-empted further collaboration on that score.) Ok, here's the repost: Well, speaking for a poor Ph.D. (newly minted May 2001) who's just getting off the ground and spent every saved penny paying off big student loans (but, hey, I may be the only man in America who paid 'em off BEFORE I graduated due to some internet-related entrepeneurial success that left me debt-free but nearly broke again, lol)... Anyway, speaking for myself, I would prefer an inexpensive destination. I would attend just for the privilege and pleasure of meeting some of my Creditnet "family" in person. What a blast! If there's a movement here to turn this into a more expensive luxury casino resort vacation, then I may have to opt out. (And what's a get-together without PsychDoc, c'mon...lol.) Here are my suggestions for relatively central locations that are driveable for many people or inexpensive to fly: 1) Chicago (driveable for many; plus cheap air flights to and from the big city available) 2) Atlanta (again, driveable for many; plus supercheap air flights available) 3) Knoxville (yet again, driveable -- interstate highway hub; however flights are a bit more expensive than Chicago or Atlanta) Chicago may well be more central than Atlanta and Knoxville (except for Floridians), and it has the distinction of having inexpensive plane fares. I think I made Saar angry by dissing Las Vegas. (Sorry... sincerely... I'm just shilling for a more central location and less expensive locale. My wife commented, "Oh, yeah, LAS VEGAS is where I would take people who've had credit problems. 'No credit? Recovering compulsive spender? Visit beautiful Las Vegas -- we welcome you.' LOL.) Seriously, Expedia.com shows a round-trip flight to Las Vegas from Knoxville starts at $441. By comparison, round-trip flights to Chicago from here start at $122. What a difference! Just about everyone can afford a trip to Chicago. I would really like to see this get off of the ground, but wouldn't it be great if it was in reach for everyone? For those of you who are looking for a Caribbean vacation, may I suggest that we postpone those plans until you've met a few of us under more inexpensive circumstances? (Then you can make a more informed judgment with respect to whether or not you would really WANT to spend your Caribbean vacation with some of the people you met, lol.) Thanks for reading, Doc
I just did a few more quick searches on Expedia.com and found these great deals to and from Chicago O'Hare: Las Vegas (LAS) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $201 Los Angeles (LAX) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $220 New York (LAG) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $193 Atlanta (ATL) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $159 Miami (MIA) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $243 Washington DC (IAD) to Chicago round-trip: beginning at $167 St. Louis (STL) to Chicago round-trip: begining at $127 I think you'll find that comparable sampling to and from Las Vegas really favors the west (LAX, SFO, SEA, etc.) at the expense of almost every east coast destination. Plus, for so many of us, Las Vegas isn't driveable (or else I'd love to go!). Doc
http://www.80096hotel.com/ has great rates to Vegas whenever we should decide to go. I can't wait to get back to the strip. They have great rates to the other suggested cities as well.
If you all are really serious, then I would be happy to handle arrangements. I do corporate arrangements (via AMEX) for a large (1400+) law firm. Jets, hotels,planes, trains, automobiles. I am game.
Ok, if this damned Bar Mitzvah Safari ends up in Las Vegas, I'll go, and I'll have a great time meeting you all, but by God Saar is going to buy lunch or dinner for me at least one time while I'm there. Is everyone really settled on Las Vegas? Once we've picked a spot, I'm going to be nothing but supportive by the way, but until we've picked a spot I'm going to whine about considering a central location instead. Are Dani and I the only ones who feel strongly about finding a more central place? Will there be people who would have attended were it not for the airfare to points west? Speak up soon or lose the opportunity to speak. Doc
I'm always up for a trip to Vegas. But I really want as many members as possible to attend. So my vote is for the location that the majority of members will be able to travel to. Bobbi
I'm still down for Vegas....just keep me posted. It would be nice if we could all stay in the same hotel. It would even be nicer if tons of people showed up!
If we're all going to Vegas, we can easily all stay in the same hotel...heck, we can all probably get rooms on the same floor.