I have been trying to clean up my husbands credit for years and years to where the credit agencies wont let me dispute online anymore. He has a dismissed ch.13,forclosure and some collection accounts im at my witts end what else can I do? please help! thank you
If you really are the person who did whatever it is they are saying you did, what do you think they should do? Think about a world where you could avoid any responsibility for your actions, say just with credit. Would anyone lend anyone anything? Instead of creating havoc, why not just let the various things drop off in their own due time? Why not just watch some TV instead of spending money on dinner out and a movie? Then maybe you'd avoid getting any new ticks on their list.
I would say to start at the bottom with a secured card and work from there. You can't simply dispute away all problems and not be held in some way accountable for past repeated transgressions. Perhaps you should read up on responsible credit behavior which is readily available throughout this site. While everyone makes mistakes and has problems it seems the pattern of the behavior you are describing is more self-destructive than a simple mistake or misjudgement in finance. I think the purpose of this site is to enable you to be proactive rather than reactive through knowledge. There are no magic wands available to make this go away but you might want to check out the "tutorial or newbie" sections of the site.
Just what exactly do you want do dispute? Are creditors/collection agencies still hounding you/husband?