Call customer service with a basic reason, ask for removal of fees and correction to credit report. Two different divisions sometimes. Most companies will remove one time as a courtesy in one year. Macy's now only credits $10 against their $25 charge unless you can prove it is their error.
Use the Western Union Quick Collect. It saves alot of stress when a payment is due. I used to overnight payments, but since Sept. 11, almost nothing is overnight. With quickcollect, Cap 1 will verfiy the payment through Western Union and make funds available the same day. It is cheaper when you figure out the cost of late fees and overnight service that is no longer overnight service. Annie Just trying to keep "The Man's" foot off my neck
I agree with "amaineman".... call or write customer service. I got my one and only 30 day late DEROG removed Dec 2001. I wrote them and got written verifacation back within 30 days that they would remove it. Then it took another 3 weeks for it to actually come out of my credit report.
How can you become late on a bill that is due every 30 days when you pay on the account every 28 days?
Float times have been reduced to 20-25 days in MOST cases...and the DELAY that they blame on the POST OFFICE also...
Float on Amex charge cards is a true 30 days. But on your statements they print a due date (what they call a suggested mailing date, but it is clearly written "payment due by"). Pay no attention to that due date--the actual due date is the day before your next statement closing date. They are just trying to get you to pay earlier! However, their revolving cards have a very short grace, only about 20 days. If you time a purchase well, you can get almost 2 months float, and pay on the the actual due date online. It will still be posted on time...
Seems like an appropriate time to post that I put my most recent sheaf of payment envelopes (4 credit cards) in the mailbox on December 28th (a Friday). All 4 creditors credited the payments to the accounts on December 31 (the following Monday.) And this with that notorious holiday season mail delay! -ingenue
If you have a good payment history then they'll understand a late here and there. Since most reps can look at your past 12 months it's easy to see who has hit a speed bump and who's trying to throw one past them. Most credit card companies don't report to tbe bureaus unless you're 60 days past due. I'd check with them on that as well. If anything, have them send you something in writing, make up a story, tell them you're applying for a mortgage so that they'll send it right away... GT
Gosh, I wish I could get them to deliver my mortgage payment that quick - from my mailbox to the PO Box of the mortgage company is less than 5 hours (Harrisburg, PA to Pittsburgh)- took the post office 10.. .yes TEN days to get my mortgage payment there. I landed up overnighting a payment to them since I didn't want it to be late. And I used UPS - if the PO can't get something there in 10 days, I sure as heck am not gonna trust them to overnight something!!! Ozzy.
My MORTGAGE payment goes to OKLAHOMA CITY...(look at a map...connected to COLORADO) has taken as many as 10 DAYS TO POST!!! 2-3 days (MAX) to MAINE and CALIFORNIA...
Anybody got an idea or sample letter to go by to write creditors to have late payments removed from your credit files. EBra30291
You don't need a letter. If you have a good history with the creditor, and you fell behind once or twice, you can usually just call and ask for a goodwill adjustment.
I've found that a quick way to send payments to ANY credit card is through c2it. While still not 100% fool proof or secure (I think there's still problems with like cross-site security or something, it might be fixed tho...I'm sure citibank will eventually work all the kinks out) it is free and fast. It's like 3-4 business days max, so just send payment a few days before its due, in case something goes wrong so you can sort it out and still not be 30days past. If you have a credit card at the same place you bank at, usually you can just get them to deduct it from ur checking, so there's no wait time on that. Just curious, is it possible (like when you call up your cc provider) to get them to take payment from another credit/debit card? It'd be sweet to stack rewards up...i.e. 1%/3% on the ExxonMobil credit card and then an additional 1.5% when it's paid off with like the PayPal debit card. Couldn't see it being a problem paying off a cc with a debit card...