I am just a buisy little bee over here in Cal. Can anyone advise of what web sites they use to research some FDCPA & FCRA cases. I am trying to find several but the mission right now is Wegner vs Trans Union. I did a search here and didn't find a string. Let me know if you have some winner web sites. Thanks!!
www.findlaw.com or here is a link with Transunion as the key word: http://lawcrawler.findlaw.com/scripts/lc.pl?entry=Trans+Union&sites=findlaw.com
Dear Whyspers, How much is Lexis and are you happy with their service? Is it worth the investment? Are you ever UNable to find cases? Please Advise.
Butch, my Lexis account is through the law firm I work for. I would say it would *not* be worth it for an individual who doesn't do a lot of legal research though, as it is extremely expensive. We've had bills in excess of $700 a month at times when we have gone outside of our plan. I think our plan runs around $400 a month or something like that and it only gives us access to NY cases and federal cases. (They did just add the Matthew Bender forms for free, though, and that's worth a chunk of what they charge...lol.) That being said, its awesome!!! Some cases aren't considered suitable for publication, but those usually aren't important cases. I believe they have a "per session" type thing where you can pay by the session, but I'm not sure how much it runs. Might be worth it if you are for sure going to file suit or are in the middle of a case and need to track down caselaw. Guess it depends on how much money you are willing to put into it. L
Here is a link to their "per session" plan, http://www.lexisnexis.com/lexisone/ I think that is what you are referring to. It is geared towards solo attys or small firms but allows case law search, legal news search etc. There is no charge to conduct a quick search with an easy-to-use search template and view citation lists or headlines. Select the documents you need and pay only for the full text of documents you order. Prices range from $1 to $12 depending on the type of document. Now you can access exactly the part of the LexisNexisâ?¢ at lexis.com service you need, when you need it â?? starting at $25 a day, $32 a week and $54 a month. -Peace, Dave