Do I have a case here or not....I just renewed my Privista membership....their weekly "AR" pulled another apparent Equifax file, that has all of my old disputed information that has been deleted from my Creditwatch Profile, but remains on my Privista profile...none of my good credit is on this Privista file...all of my good credit is on my CW file... A creditor could access this file by mistake and see no good information.... I sued EQ earlier this year, and settled.....but for something else...could I sue again...considering all the information is listed as "consumer disputes-reinvestigation in progress" and the last time I disputed on this credit file was over a year ago... All of the deletions that I worked so hard for on my EQ file (I thought I only had 1) re-appeared on this other file...what should I do??? Arthur
If you are the only one who has seen this file, then it won't matter. In order to have damages, someone other than yourself has to see a potential creditor. Is your file split? L
whyspers is right, and you better get a lot of denials b/c of it. I have an attorney preparing suit against them for merging my file, he wants as much damages as he can get before he will file, he told me keep applying even though I have already been turned down for 2 mortgage loans and 5 or 6 cc's and a new car.