And I still have received no response from the court on whether the CA filed for a hearing or did nothing. I got confirmation that the court did serve them with the lawsuit. Hubby contacted the CA the day the 30 days was up for them to ask for a hearing offering a settlement and they said "fax it on over". I gave them 5 days to respond and they never did. I called the court and they said we "should" have heard something by now either way, but "can't look up the info unless I go in". The thought of dragging my 2 year old (going on 25) and my 4 year old (going on 40) to a courthouse and waiting in line makes me shudder. I was hoping maybe someone here could give some insight. I'm hoping they never responded and their for I get a default judgement, but with each day that goes by that thought looks out of the question. Anyone who's filed and GONE to court with a CA have any insight? BTW this ISN"T Collectech.
I filed with the court and the court forwarded the claim to them. (CA is in same state). Then they have 30 days to request a jury trial (judge) or not respond at all. If they request a trial basically they are fighting it. If they ignore it I win by default. Then if I win by default or otherwise, they can either pay in full or set up payments with the court. There is no court date unless the defendant requests one, and they HAVE to file an answer to have a trial. The clerk said if they file an answer even on day 30, I would find out when the trial was within a week, and the trial would be 30 days from when the answer was filed. I received a confirmation letter from the court saying the CA was served, so I know they got the paperwork.
Hi Kellie: So a court date isn't set until they answer? Ok. Just hang tough. It sounds like they have defaulted since it's been 10 days past the answer date. Just hang tough. You know that all of credit repair is hurry up and wait. Keep us informed. I have been reading your posts and I am totally impressed. You're doing great and I see a new house in your future! Bobbi
Bobbi- Glad to see you're back!! I hate the hurry up and wait. Thank you for the encouragement to even file this lawsuit, I wouldn't have gone through with it without that push. I think after I am done with Collectech I am gonna take a much needed credit repair break. However the way things with this lawyer is going I may not get a break for years. I have sent him everything he needs to begin this process (except the money, we have no signed contract yet.) yet he keeps calling me in for "interviews". I would love to switch attorneys, but the other TWO in this state wouldn't take it cause I did owe a portion of the bill, so looks like I am stuck.